Joplin Links Metadata Plugin

A Joplin plugins that displays the metadata from the links present on the note.

Joplin is an open source note taking app. Learn more about Joplin.

It has been tested on Windows, Joplin version 1.7.11 (prod).





  • Download the latest released JPL package (*.jpl) from here
  • Open Joplin and navigate to Tools > Options > Plugins
  • Press Install plugin and select the previously downloaded jpl file
  • Confirm selection
  • Restart Joplin to enable the plugin


  • Open Joplin and navigate to Tools > Options > Plugins
  • Search for the Links Metadata plugin
  • Press Delete to remove the plugin completely
    • Alternatively you can also disable the plugin by clicking on the toggle button
  • Restart Joplin


This plugins displays the website URL, the Title, the description and the oc:image. You can toggle the pannel by cliking on the "link" icon on the WYSIWYG editor. screenshots/linksmeta02.PNG

Change the application layout View > Change Applciation Layout to display the links under the note (see after)


I should create a way to store the Metadata in the note. Right now, it fetches the websites every time we click on a new not, which is not optimal. Moreover, I think a 404 breaks the plugin.

Pull requests more than welcome !

Building the plugin

The plugin is built using Webpack, which creates the compiled code in /dist. A JPL archive will also be created at the root, which can use to distribute the plugin.

To build the plugin, simply run npm run dist.
