
A language learning app based on story captions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Disclaimer: this repo is very far from production code, but hey, my first react native project, and it works(*)! 💪

(*) at least on Android and web

What's this

This is a language learning app, inspired by Cloze Master, a popular mobile app for learning languages. The twist here is to learn from movies, tv series, and books, i.e. from stories. While Cloze Master's motto is to learn in context, one still learns from sentences coming in a random order, from a dictionary of millions of sentences. Instead, here we follow stories, leading to interesting multi-sentence episodes.

This app does not help in learning the basics of a language. You won't learn grammar or basic vocabulary, but simply practice/extend vocabulary and see applications of what you already know. Consequently, it is recommended for language learners with at least an A2 level.

Please note that there are still a ton of features to be implemented, see Pending work section for more details. Bare with me , I'll get there!

Table of Contents

To install, run npm install


To start the app, npm start

To run it offline npx expo start --offline


Running react-dev-tools. In a separate terminal, run react-dev-tools. This should open a new window


First time

  • npm install --global eas-cli
  • eas init --id a9...
  • eas build:configure

Once everything configured

Just run eas build -p android --profile preview, and wait for some time (> 10min):

~/...../caption-master ❯ eas build -p android --profile preview
✔ Using remote Android credentials (Expo server)
✔ Using Keystore from configuration: Build Credentials y-NTnpaOgo (default)

Compressing project files and uploading to EAS Build. Learn more
✔ Uploaded to EAS 2s

Build details: https://expo.dev/accounts/marc.torsoc/projects/caption-master/builds/cb2dfa67-5f3e-4b45-afd6-6afcbc8ecfc0

Pending work

  • Find Picker with lower width in Android, and one that allows using images (for lang flags). Maybe this one?
  • Add ability to sort stories in SortAndFilter
  • Sort stories by last time played, and then by name
  • Tech debt i8n
  • Search for better translation models for
    • ca -> es
  • Finish filter once new data with movies / books is added
  • Add ability to add stories from Google Drive
  • Add a counter for clean sheets, and congrat the user
  • Allow select multiple stories to delete, and disselect by tapping again. But if multiple invalidate edit button.
  • Add refreshControl to refresh stories by pulling down in LibraryOutput
  • Add modal to select what data to reset, and what data to load
  • Search how to center text in Picker and PickerOptions
  • Add ability to backup data to filesystem
  • Use react-native-paper
  • Change fonts VScode like in Bootcamp
  • Add tests
  • GH actions to auto-release with every push to master