Software Engineering Project

"Camel Up" Board Game

In a group of 5 students, we had to implement the board game "Camel Up", where the logic had to reside on a RESTful server, and several players could play the game on an Android client.

My take aways:

  • got to know new technologies and concepts (Spring Boot, Android, CI/CD, Pusher, Gradle)
  • improved knowledge of technologies and concepts (PaaS, REST)
  • improved software engineering skills (Git, agile development, architecture modelling)
  • working in a group is not easy

We used Apiary API blueprint to document our API:

Some Screenshots: ![Screenshot - Game Menu](/Screenshot - Game Menu.jpg?raw=true "Screenshot - Game Menu") ![Screenshot - Game Lobby](/Screenshot - Game Lobby.jpg?raw=true "Screenshot - Game Lobby") ![Screenshot - Game Quicktour](/Screenshot - Game Quicktour.jpg?raw=true "Screenshot - Game Quicktour") ![Screenshot - Game Board](/Screenshot - Game Board.jpg?raw=true "Screenshot - Game Board") ![Screenshot - Roll Dice](/Screenshot - Roll Dice.jpg?raw=true "Screenshot - Roll Dice")