
Sample scripts to start MongoDB Replica Sets

Primary LanguageShell


Sample scripts to start MongoDB Replica Sets

What you are going to find here?

There is a set of scripts inside project folders. They help you to bring replica set up and down. Each folder has a specific content detailed below

01 - Replica Set configuration

Start a 3-node replica set and activate replication

Enter in sample folder

cd $PATH_TO_PROJECT/01-simple-replset

First time starting cluster and replication


Stop and restart cluster (Mongo starts replication automatically if replication is already started)


Purge cluster (After purging you need to start cluster and replication again)


Purge and start cluster at same script (you need to start replication again)


Change each node configuration as you wish: ports, storage, oplogSize, security, logs, profiling...

   port: 27017

   dbPath: db
   directoryPerDB: true
      enabled: true
      smallFiles: true

   oplogSizeMB: 50
   replSetName: rs

   destination: file
   path: db/mongodb.log
   logAppend: true
   timeStampFormat: iso8601-utc

   slowOpThresholdMs: 100

02 - Replica Set with one arbiter

Start a 2-node and one-arbiter replica set and activate replication

replication-cluster.json is quite different from the other

   _id: "rs",
   members: [
         _id: 0,
         host: "localhost:27020",
         priority: 2
         _id: 1,
         host: "localhost:27021",
         priority: 1
         _id: 2,
         host: "localhost:27022",
         arbiterOnly: true

There is a "arbiterOnly: true" in 3rd node. Arbiters don't contains data, but they can participate in an election

03 - Replica Set with security enabled

Start a 3-node replica set with security enabled and activate replication

mongodb.conf files has a security session in each node

   authorization: enabled
   keyFile: mongodb-keyfile

This script creates a default user called dbAdmin with root role. The authentication process can be done like these

MongoDB shell console
> use admin
> db.auth("dbAdmin","dbAdmin")


mongo --port 27023 -u dbAdmin -p dbAdmin --authenticationDatabase=admin

Once logged, you can create other users or change script to create users before start cluster - TODO: build a json file that contains users

if(replStatus && replStatus.ok === 1){
	db = db.getSiblingDB("admin");

		print(" ### Creating DB Admin user...");

		var adminUser = db.createUser({ user: "dbAdmin", pwd: "dbAdmin", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, {role:"root", db: "admin"} ] });

		var dbAdimOk = db.auth("admin","latam");

		print("DB Admin authentication after create: "+dbAdimOk);
	} else {
		print(" ### Logged with DB Admin user");
} else {

You may know that there is a mongodb-keyfile inside each node folder. Mongo instances communicate each other using that key.

TODO - 04 - Replica Set with tags