
Service to Manage Recipes on Lorien

Primary LanguageC#


API to Manage Phases on Lorien. Used to create, update, read and delete Phases. Also responsible for managing its products and Parameters. Default Port: 5002.

Phase Product Data Format

These are the fields of the phase product and it's constrains:

  • phaseProductId: Id of the Product inside de Phase given by de Database.
    • Integer
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • productId: Original ID of the Product.
    • Integer
    • Mandatory
  • maxValue: Max quantity of the given product in the phase.
    • Double
    • Mandatory
  • minValue: Minimum quantity of the given product in the phase.
    • Double
    • Mandatory
  • measurementUnit:Unit of measurement of the given product
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory
  • phaseProductType: Which type of product is this in related to the Recipe.
    • Enumerable(Possible values: scrap, finished, semi_finished)
    • Mandatory
  • product: Product as saved on the Product API
    • Product Object (Composed by: productId,producName,producCode,productGTIN,childrenProductsIds)
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods

JSON Example:

  "phaseProductId": 3,
  "productId": 2,
  "minValue": "10",
  "measurementUnit": "kg",
  "phaseProductType": "finished",
  "product": {
    "productId": 2,
    "producName": "Nome Teste 2",
    "producCode": "TesteCode",
    "productGTIN": "+9999999",
    "childrenProductsIds": []

Phase Parameter Data Format

These are the fields of the phase parameter and it's constrains:

  • phaseParameterId: Id of the Parameter inside de Phase given by de Database.
    • Integer
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • tagId: Original ID of the Parameter.
    • Integer
    • Mandatory
  • setupValue: Target value of the parameter for the given Phase.
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory
  • measurementUnit:Unit of measurement of the given product
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory
  • tag: Tag as saved on the Tag API
    • Tag Object (Composed by: tagId, tagName, tagDescription, ThingGroup)
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods

JSON Example:

  "phaseParameterId": 2,
  "tagId": 1,
  "setupValue": "50",
  "setupValueMax": "60",
  "setupValueMin": "40",
  "measurementUnit": "kg",
  "tag": {
    "tagId": 1,
    "tagName": "da",
    "tagDescription": "teste",
    "thingGroupId": 1,
    "thingGroup": {
      "thingGroupId": 1,
      "groupName": "teste",
      "groupCode": "teste"

Phase Data Format

These are the fields of the phase and it's constrains:

  • phaseId: Id of the Phase given by de Database.
    • Integer
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • phaseName: Name of the Phase.
    • Integer
    • Mandatory
  • phaseCode: Code of the phase.
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory
  • inputProducts: Array of the Input Products.
    • List of Product Objects
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • outputProducts: Array of the Output Products.
    • List of Product Objects
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • phaseParameters: Parameters of the phase.
    • List of Parameter Objects
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods,
  • predecessorPhaseId: Id of the previous phase
    • Integer
    • Optional
  • sucessorPhasesIds: Id of the phases to be called.
    • Array Integer
    • Optional

JSON Example:

  "phaseId": 1,
  "phaseName": "cois2a",
  "phaseCode": "xpto",
  "inputProducts": [],
  "outputProducts": [],
  "predecessorPhaseId": 0,
  "phaseProducts": [3, 2]


  • api/phases/{optional=startat}{optional=quantity}

    • Get: Return List of Phases
      • startat: represent where the list starts t the database (Default=0)
      • quantity: number of resuls in the query (Default=50)
    • Post: Create the Phase with the JSON in the body
      • Body: Phase JSON
  • api/phases/{id}

    • Get: Return Phase with phaseId = ID
    • Put: Update the Phase with the JSON in the body with phaseId = ID
      • Body: Phase JSON
    • Delete: Delete the phase from the Database with phaseId = ID
  • api/phases/products/{phaseid}

    • Get: Return All the Output Products with phaseId = phaseId
    • Post: Add the Product as an output product on phaseId
      • Body: Product JSON
    • Delete: Delete the product from the output product list
  • api/phases/parameters/{phaseid}

    • Get: Return All the parameters with phaseId = phaseId
    • Post: Add the parameters parameter on phaseId = phaseId
      • Body: Parameter Phase JSON
    • Delete: Delete the parameter from the parameter list
  • api/phases/parameters/{phaseParameterid}

    • Put: Update the parameters parameter on phaseParameterid = phaseParameterId


API Responsible to provide access to information nedeed to compose the recipe from other APIs


  • gateway/thinggroups/{optional=startat}{optional=quantity}

    • Get: Return List of Groups of Things
      • startat: represent where the list starts at the database (Default=0)
      • quantity: number of resuls in the query (Default=50)
  • gateway/thinggroups/{id}

    • Get: Return Group of Things with thingGroupId = ID
  • gateway/thinggroups/attachedthings/{groupid}

    • Get: List of Thing inside the group where thingGroupId = ID
  • gateway/things/{id}

    • Get: Thing where thingId = ID
  • gateway/tags/{optional=startat}{optional=quantity}{optional=orderField}{optional=order}{optional=fieldFilter}{optional=fieldValue}

    • Get: Return List of Tags
      • startat: represent where the list starts at the database (Default=0)
      • quantity: number of resuls in the query (Default=50)
      • orderField: Field in which the list will be order by (Default=ProductId)
      • order: Represent the order of the listing (Possible Values: ascending, descending)(Default=Ascending)
      • fieldFilter: represents the field that will be seached (Default=null)
      • fieldValue: represents de valued searched on the field (Default=null)
  • gateway/tags/{id}

    • Get: Tags where parameterId = ID
  • gateway/products/{optional=startat}{optional=quantity}

    • Get: Return List of Products
      • startat: represent where the list starts t the database (Default=0)
      • quantity: number of resuls in the query (Default=50)


API to Manage Recipes on Lorien. Used to create, update, read and delete Recipes. Also responsible for managing its products and phases

Recipe Data Format

These are the fields of the phase product and it's constrains:

  • recipeId: Id of the Recipe given by de Database.
    • Integer
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • recipeName: Name of the Recipe
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory
  • recipeCode: Code of the Recipe
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory
  • recipeProduct: Product Generated by the Recipe
    • Product JSON
    • Ignored on Create
  • phasesId: ID of the phases used in this recipe
    • Array Integer
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • recipeTypeId: ID of the Type of Recipe
    • Integer
    • Mandatory
  • typeDescription: Description of the Type of Recipe
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Ignored on Create and Update on the other methods

JSON Example:

  "recipeId": 3,
  "recipeName": "teste de receita",
  "recipeCode": "5050505050",
  "recipeProduct": {
    "phaseProductId": 13,
    "productId": 1,
    "value": "50",
    "measurementUnit": "kg",
    "product": {
      "productId": 1,
      "producName": "Nome Teste 2",
      "producCode": "TesteCode",
      "productGTIN": "+9999999",
      "childrenProductsIds": []
  "phasesId": [],
  "recipeTypeId": 2,
  "typeDescription": "Liga"


  • api/recipes/{optional=startat}{optional=quantity}{optional=orderField}{optional=order}{optional=fieldFilter}{optional=fieldValue}

    • Get: Return List of Recipes

      • startat: represent where the list starts t the database (Default=0)
      • quantity: number of resuls in the query (Default=50)
      • orderField: Field in which the list will be order by (Possible Values: recipeName,recipeCode)(Default=RecipeId)
      • order: Represent the order of the listing (Possible Values: ascending, descending)(Default=Ascending)
      • fieldFilter: represents the field that will be seached (Possible Values: recipeName,recipeCode)(Default=null)
      • fieldValue: represents de valued searched on the field (Default=null)
  • api/recipes/v?{optional=startat}{optional=quantity}{optional=orderField}{optional=order}{optional=filters}

    • Get: Return List of Recipes

      • startat: represent where the list starts t the database (Default=0)
      • quantity: number of resuls in the query (Default=50)
      • orderField: Field in which the list will be order by (Possible Values: recipeName,recipeCode)(Default=RecipeId)
      • order: Represent the order of the listing (Possible Values: ascending, descending)(Default=Ascending)
      • filters: List represents the field that will be seached (Possible Values: productionOrderNumber,currentstatus) (Default=null) and (virgule) and represents de valued searched on the field (Default=null) Ex: api/recipes/v2?filters=recipeName,ACO&filters=recipeTypeId,1
    • Post: Create the Recipe with the JSON in the body

      • Recipe: Phase JSON
  • api/recipes/{id}

    • Get: Return Phase with recipeId = ID
    • Put: Update the Recipe with the JSON in the body with recipeId = ID
      • Body: Recipe JSON
    • Delete: Delete the Recipe from the Database with recipeId = ID
  • api/recipes/recipecode/{recipecode}

    • Get: Return Phase with recipeCode = recipecode
  • api/phases/product/{recipeId}

    • Get: Return the Product with recipeId = phaseId
    • Post: Add the Product as the product of the phase
      • Body: Product Phase JSON
    • Delete: Delete the product from the Phase
  • api/recipe/phases/{recipeId}

    • Get: Return All the Phases with recipeId = recipeId
    • Post: Add the Phase on recipeId = recipeId
      • Body: Phase JSON
    • Delete: Delete the Phase from the phases list


API to Manage Products on Lorien. Used to create, update, read and delete Products. Also responsible for managing its children.

Product Data Format

These are the fields of the thing and it's constrains:

  • productId: Id of the Product given by de Database.
    • Integer
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • parentProductsIds: Ids of the products that Generate this product.
    • Array Integer
    • Ignored on Create and Update
  • productName: Name of the Product given by the user.
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory
  • producDescription: Free description of the Producthing.
    • String (Up to 100 chars)
    • Optional
  • productGTIN: GTIN of the product according to GS1.
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Optional
  • enabled: Products cannot be deleted they are just disabled in the backend and dont show up in the queries.
    • Boolean
    • Mandatory
  • producCode: Code that might be used by the end user to identify the Product easily.
    • String (Up to 100 chars)
    • Optional
  • childrenProductsIds: List of Id of Products from which this one is parent.
    • Array Integer
    • Ignored on Create and Update
  • additionalInformation: List of additional information related to de product.
    • Array AdditionalInformation
    • Optional

JSON Example:

  "productId": 2,
  "parentProducId": [5, 7],
  "productName": "Nome Teste 2",
  "productDescription": "Teste Decription",
  "productCode": "TesteCode",
  "productGTIN": "+9999999",
  "childrenProductsIds": [1, 2],
  "enabled": true,
  "additionalInformation": [
      "information": "Densidade",
      "value": "60"


  • api/products/{optional=startat}{optional=quantity}{optional=orderField}{optional=order}{optional=fieldFilter}{optional=fieldValue}

    • Get: Return List of Products and the Total Quantity of Products on the Database
      • startat: represent where the list starts at the database (Default=0)
      • quantity: number of resuls in the query (Default=10)
      • orderField: Field in which the list will be order by (Possible Values: productName,productDescription, productCode, productGTIN)(Default=ProductId)
      • order: Represent the order of the listing (Possible Values: ascending, descending)(Default=Ascending)
      • fieldFilter: represents the field that will be seached (Possible Values: productName,productDescription, productCode, productGTIN) (Default=null)
      • fieldValue: represents de valued searched on the field (Default=null)
    • Post: Create the Product with the JSON in the body
      • Body: Product JSON
  • api/products/{id}

    • Get: Return Product with productId = ID
    • Put: Update the Product with the JSON in the body with productId = ID
      • Body: Product JSON
    • Delete: Disable Product with productId = ID
  • api/products/list{productid}{productid}

    • Get: Return List of Products with productid = ID
  • api/products/childrenproducts/{parentId}

    • Get: Return List of Products which the parent is parentId


API to Manage Extra Attibute Types that can be added on Lorien's products. Used to create, update, read and delete Extra Attibute Types.

Extra Attibute Type Data Format

These are the fields of the thing and it's constrains:

  • extraAttibruteTypeId: Id of the Extra Attibute Types given by de Database.

    • Integer
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • extraAttibruteTypeName: Name of the Extra Attibute Types given by the user.

    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory

JSON Example:

  "extraAttibruteTypeId": 4,
  "extraAttibruteTypeName": "teste 2212"


  • api/extraattributetypes/

    • Get: Return List of Extra Attibute Types
    • Post: Create the Extra Attibute Types with the JSON in the body
      • Body: Extra Attibute Types JSON
  • api/extraattributetypes/{id}

    • Get: Return Extra Attibute Types with extraAttibruteTypeId = ID
    • Put: Update the Extra Attibute Types with the JSON in the body with extraAttibruteTypeId = ID
      • Body: Extra Attibute Types JSON
    • Delete: Disable Extra Attibute Types with extraAttibruteTypeId = ID


API to Manage Recipe Types that can be added on Lorien's products. Used to create, update, read and delete Recipe Types.

Recipe Type Data Format

These are the fields of the thing and it's constrains:

  • recipeTypeId: Id of the Recipe Types Types given by de Database.
    • Integer
    • Ignored on Create, mandatory on the other methods
  • typeDescription: Name of the Recipe Types given by the user.
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory
  • typeScope: Name of the Recipe Types scope given by the user.
    • String (Up to 50 chars)
    • Mandatory

JSON Example:

  "recipeTypeId": 2,
  "typeDescription": "Liga",
  "typeScope": "OP-Liga"


  • api/recipetypes/

    • Get: Return List of Recipe Types
    • Post: Create the Recipe Types with the JSON in the body
      • Body: Recipe Types JSON
  • api/recipetypes/{id}

    • Get: Return Recipe Types with recipeTypeId = ID
    • Put: Update the Recipe Types with the JSON in the body with recipeTypeId = ID
      • Body: Recipe Types JSON
    • Delete: Disable Recipe Types with recipeTypeId = ID