
Simple, open source, sample apps on Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Forms. They are designed to let you test out the capabilities of the Microsoft Intune Xamarin Bindings.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Taskr - A Microsoft Intune Xamarin SDK Example

This repository is a demonstration of the Microsoft Intune App SDK with Xamarin for Android. A developer guide to the SDK is available here. Both sample apps, basic Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Forms, implement commonly used features so developers making their own apps have an example to follow. IT administrators who want to create apps with similar functionality can even use these apps as a template.

Taskr allows users to keep a list of to-do items, or tasks. Users can view their open tasks and mark tasks as complete, print them, or save them to their phone. Tasks are kept in a database implemented using SQLite. Users' actions are managed by policy, so not all actions may be available.

Important Notes Before Starting

Configuring an Intune Subscription

  • A tenant is necessary for the configuration of an Intune subscription. A free trial is sufficient for this demo and can be registered for at Microsoft's demo site.
  • Once a tenant is acquired the Intune subscription will need to be properly configured to target the user and the application. Follow the set up steps found here.

Configuring App for MSAL Authentication

  • Perform the app registration and configuration steps found here.
    • The purpose of registering with MSAL is to acquire a client ID and redirect URI for your application.
    • For information about brokered authentication for Android, check the document here.
    • Once you have registered your app, replace the client ID and the redirect URI.
      • For the Xamarin.Android app, replace _clientID and _redirectURI in TaskrAndroid\Authentication\AuthManager.cs and clientId in TaskrAndroid\Properties\AndroidManifest.xml.
      • For the Xamarin.Forms app, replace _clientID and _redirectURI in TaskrForms.Android\Authentication\Authenticator.cs and clientID in TaskrForms.Android\Properties\AndroidManifest.xml.

Grant App Permission to MAM Service

Highlighted SDK Features

This project demonstrates proper integration with the MAM SDK and the MAM-WE service. However, it does not show how to properly handle multi-identity protection. If your application needs to be multi-identity aware please refer to the implementation documentation.

! NOTE For policy to be applied to the application, the user will need to sign in and authenticate with MSAL.

Actively Managed

The following policies require explicit app involvement in order to be properly enforced.

  • Prevent Android backups – The app enables managed backups in AndroidManifest.xml. More information is available here.
  • Prevent "Save As":
    • To User's Device - To determine if saving to the device is allowed, the app manually checks the user's policy. If allowed, the save button will save a CSV containing all open tasks to the user's device. Otherwise, a notification will be displayed to the user.
      • Xamarin.Android: Fragments\TasksFragment.cs
      • Xamarin.Forms: TaskrForms.Android\SaveUtility.cs
  • App configuration policies – The app displays the current configuration as an example on the About page.
    • Xamarin.Android: Fragments\AboutFragment.cs
    • Xamarin.Forms: TaskrForms.Android\ConfigUtility.cs

Automatically Managed

The following policies are automatically managed by the SDK without explicit app involvement and require no additional development.

  • Require PIN for access – The MAM SDK will prompt the user for a PIN before any UI code is executed, if required by policy.
    • Allow fingerprint instead of PIN - See above.
    • Require corporate credentials for access – See above.
  • Allow app to transfer data to other apps – This policy is demonstrated when the user clicks on the save button, which attempts to export a CSV containing tasks to Excel.
  • Disable printing – This policy is demonstrated when the user clicks on the print button, which attempts to open the CSV in Android's default printing view.
  • Allow app to receive data from other apps – This policy is demonstrated when the app receives intents containing the text of a description to create a task.
  • Restrict web content to display in the Managed Browser – This policy is demonstrated when a user clicks on a link from the About screen.
  • Encrypt app data - This policy is demonstrated when the app attempts to save a CSV file. If enabled, the file will be encrypted on disk.

Relevant Files

Xamarin.Android Application - TaskrAndroid\

  • AndroidManifest.xml requests the necessary permissions and sets up the MAM SDK's backup manager.
  • MainActivity.cs contains the high-level flow for authentication & account registration.
  • TaskrApplication.cs is the required Application class that inherits from MAMApplication and registers notification receivers.
  • Authentication\AuthManager.cs contains the bulk of the MSAL authentication logic.
  • Authentication\MAMWEAuthCallback.cs is the required callback for MAM account registration.
  • Fragments\TasksFragment.cs explicitly checks MAM policies to see if saving files to a user's device is allowed.
  • Fragments\AboutFragment.cs attempts to retrieve and display the user's Application Configuration JSON object.
  • Receivers\EnrollmentNotificationReceiver.cs and Receivers\ToastNotificationReceiver.cs receive and handle notifications sent by MAM.

Xamarin.Forms Android Application - TaskrForms.Android\

  • AndroidManifest.xml requests the necessary permissions and sets up the MAM SDK's backup manager.
  • MainActivity.cs contains the high-level flow for authentication & account registration.
  • TaskrApp.cs is the required Application class that inherits from MAMApplication and registers notification receivers.
  • Authentication\Authenticator.cs contains the bulk of the MSAL authentication logic.
  • Authentication\MAMWEAuthCallback.cs is the required callback for MAM account registration.
  • SaveUtility.cs explicitly checks MAM policies to see if saving files to a user's device is allowed.
  • ConfigUtility.cs attempts to retrieve and display the user's Application Configuration JSON object.
  • Receivers\EnrollmentNotificationReceiver.cs and Receivers\ToastNotificationReceiver.cs receive and handle notifications sent by MAM.


  • When deploying either app in Debug mode, ensure the Debuggable=false attribute is added to the Application class and that the android:debuggable="true" flag has not been manually set in the manifest. Otherwise, you may experience application crashes while attempting to debug. This is a necessary workaround due to an issue in the Microsoft Intune App SDK Xamarin Bindings.
  • If the Xamarin Forms project displays only a blank page when running the application, try updating the "Linker properties" under "Android Options" to linking "Sdk and User Assemblies" instead of "None".