
Code for input and output against "toggle-api"

Primary LanguageJava


Code for input and output against "toggle-api"

Hardware Requirement

  • Linux based operating system with telldus-core installed

  • Java JDK 12 installed with java command available

  • Internet connection with either globaly routed ip or a set port on router

  • Tellstick Duo

  • Atleast one of the following supported outlets:

    • Proove
      • Selflearning-switch
      • selflearning-dimmer
    • Nexa
      • Codeswitch


To run the application you will need to rerout the ip trafic from port 80 to port 8080 to avoid having to run the application as superuser

As superuser run the following command in your terminal and replace eth0 with your internet interface found from ifconfig:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport http -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080

How to run

To run the program enter the following in the terminal

java -jar path\to\file.jar

You will now have the following options

  • Start Listening

    • Sends either a request for a new token for each device or tries to update the ip on the API

    • Starts a server on port 8080 and listens for requests on path:

      • /io/device/on /io/device/off /io/device/dim /io/device/status
  • Add device

    • Allows the user to add a device to toggle I/O
  • Remove device

  • Show devices

  • Exit Program