
A damn simple ES6 and Typescript Starter kit using webpack for packaging. Perfect for bootstraping your javascript project / module regardless any framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Typescript Webpack Starter

Build Status

A damn simple ES6 and Typescript Starter kit using webpack for packaging. Perfect for bootstraping your javascript project regardless any framework.

Built upon

Getting started

Clone Typescript Webpack Starter

git clone https://github.com/emyann/typescript-webpack-starter.git
cd typescript-webpack-starter
# Install the dependencies
npm install


Run a Webpack dev server

npm run server

Build Only

Build a development release

npm run build

Build a production release

npm run build:prod

After build phase, 3 files are generated into the dist folder:

  • app.bundle.js - contains the core of the application. From the entry point src/index.ts
  • vendor.bundle.js - contains the vendor dependencies
  • index.html - html page with references to the 2 files above


  • Add TODO example
  • Setup VSCode debug to match webpack-dev-server
  • Setup a webpack common configuration and use webpack-merge
  • Setup unit tests with Jasmine / Karma