
Docker-ized version of MaximaPool.

The MaximaPool creates a pool of maxima processes. This has a number of advantages on large production sites, including the ability to put maxima processes on a separate server, or servers. Also, pooling helps starting up maxima processes so that STACK does not need to wait for them, this may save over 250ms each time you have to call maxima.

STACK-maxima in this image is highly optimized. Before using the pool, one shell call to Maxima took around 4s, now it's at about 100ms, or 200ms with request overhead.

  • Code on GitHub (Issues)
  • Image on Docker Hub
  • Author: Dockerization: Abt. Anwendungssysteme, ITZ Uni Halle; Image includes various open source software. See Dockerfile for details.
  • Support: As a university or research facility you might be successful in requesting support through the ITZ Helpdesk (this can take some time) or contacting the author directly. For any other entity, including companies, see my home page for contact details and pricing. You may request hosting, support or customizations. Reporting issues and creating pull requests is always welcome and appreciated.

The Future

We are likely transitioning to the more efficient goemaxima by GWDG. We assume GWDG, as a multi educational institution service provider, will be able to provide long-term support with their permanent employees. This project will then be archived and won't receive further updates.

Which version/ tag?

There are multiple versions/ tags available under dockerhub:unihalle/maximapool/tags/.

Tag STACK version OS/Tomcat/JRE Maxima version assStackQuestion ILIAS moodle-qtype_stack
latest 2020101501 debian 9.9/9/11 5.41.0-Linux 4.3.7
stack-2020101501 2020101501 debian 9.9/9/11 5.41.0-Linux 4.3.7
stack-2020070100 2020070100 debian 9.9/9/11 5.41.0-Linux 4.3.4
stack-2020042000 2020042000 debian 9.9/9/11 5.41.0-Linux 4.3.1
stack-2019090200 2019090200 debian sid/9/11 5.41.0-Linux 4.2.2a
stack-2018080600 2018080600 debian sid/9/11 5.41.0-Linux 4.2.1
stack-2018030500 2018030500 debian sid/9/11 5.41.0-Linux 4.1+ (9bf7a7f)
stack-2017121800 2017121800 debian sid/9/10 5.41.0-Linux 12439ff 5.3 4.1
stack-2014083000 2014083000 debian sid/9/9 5.41.0-Linux c23c787 / 9a42ef8 with patch 5.0-5.1 / 5.2 3.3

Identifying required version

ILIAS (assStackQuestion)

Run $(grep stackmaximaversion ${ILIAS_PLUGIN_STACK}/classes/stack/maxima/stackmaxima.mac | grep -oP "\d+") with ${ILIAS_PLUGIN_STACK} being an absolute or relative path to the assStackQuestion plugin directory.

Moodle (moodle-qtype_stack)

Run $(grep stackmaximaversion $MOODLE/question/type/stack/stack/maxima/stackmaxima.mac | grep -oP "\d+") with $MOODLE being the root directory of the moodle site on the server.


  • Do not allow direct access from any untrusted users to services/containers created from this image. You may reverse proxy requests through HTTP (basic) auth. Example below.
  • There might be trouble running with containers created from this image when aufs is docker's storage driver. You can check with docker info for your storage driver in use. For Debian and Ubuntu, as of 2018, we recommend overlay2 instead.


Create the following files:

volumes/pool.conf (Please adjust the values as to meet your requirements and make sure the file is readeable by everyone [chmod o+r].):

# Configuration for maxima pool
# Times in milliseconds

# Size limits
size.min = 5
size.max = 15

# This is the limit of simultaneously starting processes this combined to the update frequency defines the maximum load
start.limit = 4

# Pool update cycle (ms between updates)
update.cycle = 500

# How big a data-set should be kept for estimates, do not make this too big if the usage is not nearly constant.
adaptation.averages.length = 5

# Pool size depends on the demand and startuptimes the system tries to maintain the minimum size but as demand may vary one should use a multiplier to play it safe. = 3.0



Running using Docker only

docker run -d \
   --name TestMaximaPool \
   -p "8765:8080" \
   -v "/path/to/volumes/pool.conf:/opt/maximapool/pool.conf:ro" \

You can now visit your pool at http://host:8765/MaximaPool/MaximaPool

Running using docker-compose

Minimal example (binds port 8765 to localhost):


version: "2"
    image: unihalle/maximapool:stack-2017121800
    restart: always
        - ""
        - "./volumes/pool.conf:/opt/maximapool/pool.conf:ro"

You can now look at your pool at Inside the docker-compose network, the URL is http://maximal-pool:8080/MaximaPool/MaximaPool.

Using a proxy with HTTP basic auth and certificates

This is a complete example illustrating the use with a reverse proxy providing HTTP password authentication and encryption inside a network managed by docker-compose. Please replace $VIRTUAL_HOST with an actual host name.

The disadvantage of HTTP basic auth is that the password is hashed on every request. If you choose more heavy hashing (>8) you are likely to slow down your web proxy.

# Create the pool.conf and .env as described in the minimal examples

# Create an htpasswd file (requires apache-utils installed)
mkdir -p passwords && htpasswd -cBC 8 passwords/$VIRTUAL_HOST ${USER}
# Alternatively use: docker run --rm httpd htpasswd -nbB ${USER} ${PASSWORD} > passwords/$VIRTUAL_HOST

# Add certificates so they can be read by the reverse proxy
mkdir -p certs && cp VIRTUAL_HOST.crt certs/ && cp VIRTUAL_HOST.key certs/


version: "2"
    image: unihalle/maximapool:stack-2018030500
    restart: always
        - VIRTUAL_PORT=8080
        - "./volumes/pool.conf:/opt/maximapool/pool.conf:ro"
        - "./volumes/logs/tomcat:/usr/local/tomcat/logs"
        - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
    image: jwilder/nginx-proxy:alpine
      - "8065:80"
      - "8765:443"
    restart: always
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
      - ./certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro
      - ./passwords:/etc/nginx/htpasswd:ro

Finally bring it up and watch the logs: docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f

You can now look at your pool at https://$VIRTUAL_HOST:8765/MaximaPool/MaximaPool after you were prompted for your password if you have configured everything correctly.

Hit Ctrl+C to detach from container output (logs). Tomcat's logs will be stored to ./volumes/logs/tomcat. To control what is logged, override /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml (AccessLogValve) - mount a file or directory to that place, or override using a Dockerfile.

Multiple/ Custom STACK versions

It is possible running this container with multiple versions of STACK or having multiple pools: Mount a volume with proper contents and permissions to /opt/maximapool/%%VERSION%%/. You might use the container itself to generate your custom STACK-maxima pool. Toolchain, lisp and maxima are already installed.

It is also possible to build image for use with specific version of Moodle Question Type STACK plugin. Make sure that assets/moodle-qtype_stack submodule is tracking commit that is matching the version of qtype_stack plugin you have installed in Moodle, then build the image with --build-arg BUILD_FOR_MOODLE=1 parameter.

Using with Moodle

On the Moodle side, STACK configuration is located at Site Administration -> Plugins -> Question Type -> STACK plugin settings. To make it worh with MaximaPool Docker container, you need to set:

  • Platform type: Server
  • Maxima version: choose one matching the image in use (e.g. 5.41.0)
  • Maxima command: maxima-pool:8080/MaximaPool/MaximaPool

maxima-pool is the hostname of Maxima container, it should be accessible by Moodle webserver.


  • Advice on writing docker files.
  • Releasing a new version:
    1. Release it to a new branch.
    2. Update this's compatibility matrix.
    3. Generate a new /data_dir/xqcas/stack/maximalocal.mac through plugin update and re-configuration.
    4. Update assets/maximalocal.mac.template and assets/optimize.mac with generated values from /data_dir/xqcas/stack/maximalocal.mac [ILIAS] or $MOODLEDATA/stack/**/maximalocal.mac [Moodle].

For developers: Locating, tracking and amending versions

Locate stackmaxima

Change stackmaxima

  • Moodle: cd assets/moodle-qtype_stack && git checkout [ref] && cd ../.. && git add assets/moodle-qtype_stack && git commit -m "Update to STACK [stackversion]" Impacts moodle-qtype_stack [cd assets/moodle-qtype_stack && git log] version.
  • ILIAS: cd assets/assStackQuestion && git checkout [ref] && cd ../.. && git add assets/assStackQuestion && git commit -m "Update to STACK [stackversion]" Impacts assStackQuestion [cd assets/assStackQuestion && git log] and possibly ILIAS version. assStackQuestion has branches like master-ilias53

Locate OS

  • docker-compose exec [maximapool] bash -c 'cat /etc/debian_version'
  • Look up in Wikipedia
  • Depends on the base image used for Tomcat/JDK

Locate and amend Tomcat / JDK version

Locate and amend Maxima version

Files to monitor for changes

For developers: Build the images

git clone --recurse-submodules -j4 # you can omit the -j4 option if this causes issues
cd maximapool-docker
docker build . # or docker-compose build; you can ignore the warning about undefined environment variables

For developers: FAQ

  • Q: build.xml does not exist.
    • A: Please make sure to clone and initialize the submodules as well: git clone --recurse-submodules -j4 or, if you already cloned, change directory into the cloned git repo and fetch the submodules cd maximapool-docker && git submodule update --init --recursive