Optional local dev outside of docker

npm install

create db check out db-service init.sql

Duild with Docker

Create the docker image of the application -t adds tag to build

docker build -t node-prod .

Once built we can run the server

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 node-prod // run detached
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 node-prod // run interactive

Live reloading option for development

docker build -f Dockerfile.dev -t node-dev-tag .
docker run --name node-dev-name --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v ${PWD}:/app node-dev-tag

Note -

Make sure you have the port that is being exposed set to the same exposed port in server.js

Running development with mysql running as well in Docker - local only

run docker compose to start the development nodejs server + start mysql up and init with items in /db-service

docker-compose build --no-cache # --no-cache if first time. or if experiencing errors

# run in detached mode
docker-compose up -d

Some useful commands for this build

# get running containers should be 2 
# - node_comp_dev
# - mysql_comp_dev
docker container ls

# get associated volumes.
docker volume ls

# see networks + volume info of container
docker container inspect node_comp_dev

# watch logs
docker contaienr node-comp_dev --follow

Push to docker hub

Docker hub pro tip - to release several tags for the same build

docker tag local-image:tagname new-repo:tagname
docker push new-repo:tagname
  1. First create repo in docker hub {{docker-js-stack-api}}
  2. build
docker build -t mjwrazor/docker-js-stack-api:v0.1.0 .
  1. push
docker push mjwrazor/docker-js-stack-api:v0.1.0  

Setting up CircleCI

Make sure you have circleci account and you have connected it with github.

Make a circleCi directory and the config file

mkdir .circleci
cd .circleci
touch config.yml
cd ..

Set up config.yml with the basic docker hub build context for latest and tags. Commit to git and then in circleCi select project and "Set Up Project"

Then go to settings and add environment variables DOCKERHUB_USERNAME & DOCKERHUB_PASS which should then map correctly into the config.yml for circleci.

Once this is done git push and circleci will build the image and push to docker hub.

To push a specific tag. Create a release with a tag. Or tag a commit.


For the server. if you have CORS set up with origin then credentials needs to be true and if the IP is localhost and the PORT is 80 then you don't need to specify the port. http://localhost