
Primary LanguageJavaScript




This project is actually from a youtube video going
over the uses of angular and yeoman to produce a 
production templated Angular app for storing your
favorite youtube videos. 

With  full CRUD capabilities using a RESTful api for 
the backend. This is only a practice app to get 
acquainted with the MEAN stack and bootstrap's youtube
embed capabilities.

Below I will go through the steps of setting up the
entire app on cloud9(a cloud IDE for development). 
This IDE can also be used to SSH into your own servers
if you decide to pay for the IDE service. The free 
version lets you spin up many cloud servers in seconds.

Cloud 9 Setup

To make an account an see options or login visit


Once you have created an account go to your profile
page and select (+)Create a new workspace. On this 
workspace creation page uncer workspace name enter 
the name for your main file. 
Hosted workspace = for free users
public = for free users
you can clone your github repository if you would like
but for this I will show how to connect to git after
you have made a workspace.
Select Blank under Choose a Template 
press create workspace. 

This will create a workspace for you using ubuntu 14.04.
If you would like you can choose a nodejs template but 
you will have to update it.
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
$ sudo npm install -g bower
Also need to install mongodb. Fallow the instructions
at mongodb to install for your system.


I will show how to install mongodb for c9 during the 
server setup.

Setting up your remote connection to your Github

You can fallow the steps at githubt but to make it 
easier I have the steps here. 

In your main workspace you should have no files at 
this time unless you toggle hidden files. You will 
need to setup a github repository matching the name
of this workpsace folder. 
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git init
$ git remote add origin https://github.com/<username>/<repo-name>.git
$ git add . 
$ git commit -m "commit comment"
$ git push origin -u origin master

Setting up the Server API

In your main empy workpspace folder.
$ mkdir server
$ cd server
$ npm init
After the init fallow the simple steps if you dont know
anything about the steps just enter all the way through.
This creates a package.json file.

Now install needed node modules for project. --save adds
these to the package.json file.
$ sudo npm install --save express
$ sudo npm install --save mongoose
$ sudo npm install --save node-restful
$ sudo npm install --save method-override
$ sudo npm install --save body-parser
$ sudo npm install --save lodash
Now we need to add an node startup file to launch 
the server. Right click the server file and add
file (setup.js). You can see the contents of this
file and their are comments explaining what is 

Create this file. Here you will see the schema for the 
movies that will be added to the api. Using mongoose.

Create this file. Here we will export all the models we
will create. This is used so if we ever need to add a 
model to the api we can create the model schema and 
then add it here to be packeged later.
- dependency injection in setup.js under
Create this file. Information about the api controller in 
this file.

Create this file. Here we assign moviecontroller to 
the movie path in our application. Routes file is
loaded in setup.js under the dependency injection. 
Adding mongodb to Cloud 9

========================================================= In the main workspace folder or in the server folder.

$ mkdir data 
$ echo 'mongod --bind_ip=$IP --dbpath=data 
    --nojournal --rest "$@"' > mongod
$ chmod a+x mongod
Now in the file you added this too you can run 
$ ./mongod 
 to run mongodb. This is for Cloud9 only. not for a 
 production server. Anyway if you turn off your project
 without turning off mongod you will need to run 
 ./mongod --repair before you can use mongodb again. 
$ mongo
 To use the mongo shell and create databases and 
 tables. You can see these with 
> mongo
> show databases
// shows databses 
> use <dbname>
> show tables
// shows table <name>s
> db.<name>.find({})
// displays everything in that database.


Running the server

$ ./mongod
$ node setup
There will be nothing at the site because this is only 
the api. Although you can test the api by using postman.

At postman use x-www-form-urlencoded 
key values are set in the schema made above. 
key=title       value=url

Setting up fornt end with Yeoman

Move to the main workspace folder. Don't for get to 
update npm to more recent version before these steps.
$ mkdir client
$ cd client
$ sudo npm install -g yo
$ yo doctor 
$ echo "export NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:
    >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
$ sudo npm install -g generator-karma generator-angular
$ yo angular
answers for this project 

yes all the way through to selecting angular includes
select only. use spacebar to select/unselect


/client/Gruntfile.js line 71

port: 8080,
hostname: '',
To run the entire project

$ ./mongod

$ node setup  

This will be running on port 8081 since we set it to that in setup.js

Set the localhost to the api if you are running the
api on the same server. 
$ grunt serve 

No need to proxy since we set port to 8081 on setup. However when I did the same thing with an ember app I did need to proxy my ember front end and node server.

Building the front end to talk to the api

$ yo angular:route movies
This creates a controller, route, and view of movies.
The route is created and viewable in 
The controller is in 
and the view is in 

Obviously many of the yeoman starter page is removed
so take a look at my files and see what was taken away
and what has been added. If you see a matching view
and controller then I used yo angular:route <name>.

Also that command also creates a test file in 

-- moving ahead

$ bower install --save restangular
This will save restangular right into the index.html 
file. To add this file you need to add to app.js in

In the app.js file you need to create a base url 
I have here the line that you can see on line 19 of app.js
but for me it points to my API nodejs server. So when 
the front end does any RESTful commands it will send to this
base url. If for example you are sending to your api you 
would place your api url there and change the port to the port
you set in setup.js. You could call this file server.js or 
index.js or any file name you would like an drun by using
$ node <yourFileName>

Image of video view page


Production build of the app.

So it is not in the video but I learned this from making
another app. in the /server file 
mkdir public
cd ..
cd client
grunt build 
If you get en warning with grunt build like I did it
might not be an app breaking warning mine was not so I
grunt --force
Now in /client/dist you will see the production build of 
your app. I am not sure how to build into an external file
with angular but I can with Ember. So copy all the contents
of /client/dist 

Now go to /server/public and paste all the dist files there. 
In your setup.js file add the line 
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
This will direct your server to use there files and now you 
no longer need to run grunt serve on the front end to see 
you app. All that needs to be done to view the app is to use
node setup
In the /server directory. You will still have to use the 
:8081 since that is what I have it set to in my github but
if however you would like to just use the normal url 
var port = process.env.PORT;
Should work just fine. And their you have it. I will update 
this Readme later to show how to deploy to a cloud server.

Currently with this build 6.22.2016 you will get an 
error on the video view page where the video shows 
up. This is because google is sending the error so
don't worry they are actually supposed to fix the 
issue soon. "apparently"