
Pacemaker system prototyped on a DE0 FPGA, support for various disease modes. SCCharts used to model FSMs for hard real-time systems.

Primary LanguageC

COMPSYS303 Assignment 2

Pacemaker Group 9

Upload the provided .sof file onto the DE2 board, run NIOS II and import in the cs303a2 and cs303a2_bsp files respectively. TO SWITCH MODE: Use SW0. SW0 low = Mode 1, SW0 high = Mode 2.

KNOWN BUG: The DE2 will freeze occasionally if the system is switched from Mode 1 or Mode 2 mid-operation. Switch to your desired mode and re-program the DE2 device.

Mode 1 testing:

  • Use the buttons on the DE2 board to assert inputs

  • Key1 = ASense (makes LED1 high)

  • Key0 = VSense (makes LED0 high)

  • Outputs:

  • APace = LED3

  • VPace = LED2

Mode 2 testing:

  • Open the virtual heart executable, find the appropriate COM in the dropdown, and set a baud rate of 115200.
  • Test mode 1 by unchecking the SA Autorhythmic checkbox, and verify that atrial pulses are slower and require APace.
  • Test mode 2 by unchecking the AV Autorhythmic checkbox, and verify that both A and V pulses are slower, with erratic atrial signals.
  • Test mode 3 by keeping SA node checked but AV conduction unchecked, this should verify correct 100bpm operation on the atrial graph but VPace required for the very slow (~30bpm) ventricle beating.