
A very simple pure javascript lightbox script for images and videos.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MK Lightbox

A very simple pure javascript lightbox script for images and videos.

Demo: https://mkirschen.de/mk-scripts/mk-lightbox/

Lightbox for images

To open an image in the lightbox, simply add the class mklbItem.

<img class="mklbItem" src="image.jpg" />

If a small thumbnail is to be displayed first and a higher-resolution photo is to be loaded into the lightbox, the data-src attribute is added.

<img class="mklbItem" src="thumbnail.jpg" data-src="image.jpg" />

Lightbox width image slider

In order to switch between the images in the lightbox, the data-gallery attribute must be added with a unique value.

<img class="mklbItem" src="image.jpg" data-gallery="gallery1" />
<img class="mklbItem" src="image2.jpg" data-gallery="gallery1" />
<img class="mklbItem" src="thumbnail3.jpg" data-src="image3.jpg" data-gallery="gallery1" />

UPDATED: If the gallery in the lightbox is to run automatically, the data-auto attribute must be added to only one element of the gallery with the time in ms between the slides.

<img class="mklbItem" src="thumbnail3.jpg" data-src="image3.jpg" data-gallery="gallery1" data-auto="2000" />

Lightbox for mp4 videos

MP4 videos can also be played in the lightbox by adding the data-video-src attribute in addition to the mklbItem class.

<img class="mklbItem" src="thumbnail.jpg" data-video-src="movie.mp4" />

Lightbox for YouTube videos

If a YouTube video should be played in the lightbox, the mklbItem class and the data-youtube-id attribute with the video ID must be inserted. Example for the Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuo13FrNX6g

<a href="#" class="mklbItem" data-youtube-id="wuo13FrNX6g">Open the Youtube video in the lightbox.</a>

I use the Privacy Enhanced Mode, so the domain for the embed URL in the HTML will changed from https://www.youtube.com to https://www.youtube-nocookie.com.

Lightbox for Vimeo videos

If a Vimeo video should be played in the lightbox, the mklbItem class and the data-vimeo-id attribute with the video ID must be inserted. Example for the Vimeo video https://vimeo.com/226053498

<a href="#" class="mklbItem" data-vimeo-id="226053498">Open the Vimeo video in the lightbox.</a>

I use the 'Do-Not-Track' mode.