Recursively walks a filesystem, katexifying all html files in its path. Turns $...$
spans into inline math, and $$...$$
into display math.
To print regular dollers, they can be escaped with backslashes and will be unescaped. For example:
The sum of \$5 and \$3 is \$8
will become The sum of $5 and $3 is $8
. To produce a regular backslash before a math span, escape backslash themselves:
\\$f(x) = x^2$
will produce \<span class="katex">…</span>
. Note that only escaped backslashes immediately preceding a doller will be unescaped. All
other escape sequences are untouched.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-dbVIfZGuN1Yq7/1Ocstc1lUEm+AT+/rCkibIcC/OmWo5f0EA48Vf8CytHzGrSwbQ" crossorigin="anonymous">
Let $x$ be a variable and $$\Sigma_{i = 0}^n i = \frac{n(n-1)}{2}$$ a formula.
Also replace when delimiters are on different lines:
\Sigma_x {f^2(x)} \leq \left({ \Sigma_x f(x)}\right)^2
renders to:
Run test suite:
npm test
Simple usage without installation:
node bin/index.js <dir>
Note that katexify only produces the semantic structure in HTML. To properly render the math, you'll need KaTeX CSS. This can be loaded through a CDN by including
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-dbVIfZGuN1Yq7/1Ocstc1lUEm+AT+/rCkibIcC/OmWo5f0EA48Vf8CytHzGrSwbQ" crossorigin="anonymous">
in your your HTML. For more information, check the KaTeX browser installation page.
sudo npm install -g
katexify <dir>