
Model for estimation of Hydraulic Properties and Rating Curves in Regular and/or Irregular Cross-Sections

Primary LanguageMATLAB

HydroHP - 1D V5

Welcome to HydroHP - 1D V5

This model solves 1-D Saint Venant Equations via explicit numerical discretization using the Lax-Friedrichs method.

It helps to solve - Spatial-Temporal Variation of Discharges, Depths, and Velocities in a 1-D open channel

Several applications of this model can be performed, such as the designing of channels, estimation of the dam break, and flood wave propagation.

How to Install and Run the Model?

  • Please create a folder on your machine. Unzip the files in this folder.
  • Open the Input_Data.xlsx file and enter your model data
  • Open the HydroHP Matlab script in Matlab and click on Run inside of Matlab Editor ribbon menu Note: Several automatic graphs will be generated, so please make sure to close them before running the model again

How to Use the Model?

  • You can use it to determine animations of 1-D flow dynamics. Also, you can export all simulation data in .csv
  • You just have to enter the cross-section coordinates, stage-roughness curve, and bottom slope and other hydraulic parameters

How to Contribute to the Project? Please email me at marcusnobrega.engcivil@gmail.com

Looking for examples? Please go to my GitHub account and check it out.

----------------- Tutorial of the Model -------------------------- There is a PowerPoint attached with a few slides about the model theory and some applications There is also a recorded lecture about the model freely available here:


Copyright 2023 - the University of Sao Paulo and the University of Texas at San Antonio

  • Developer: Mr. Marcus Nobrega Gomes Junior, Ph.D

License Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

Welcome to Hydraulic_Property_Algorithm_V3

This algorithm estimates several important hydraulic properties for regular and irregular cross-sections Using data from a .csv file and Matlab, we can derive values of

  • Area, Perimeter, Hydraulic Radius
  • Section factor, Conveyance, and ultimately Normal Flow

How to Install and Run the Model?

  • Please create a folder on your machine. Unzip the files in this folder.
  • Open the .CSV file and change cross-section data (instructions in the CSV file)
  • Open the main algorithm in Matlab and click on Run inside of Matlab Note: Several automatic graphs will be generated, so please make sure to close them before running the model again

How to Use the Model?

  • You can use it to determine rating curves in rivers or even in man-made channels.
  • You just have to enter the cross-section coordinates, stage-roughness curve, and bottom slope

How to Contribute to the Project? Please, email me at marcusnobrega.engcivil@gmail.com

Looking for examples? Please go to my GitHub account and check it out.

Copyright 2022 - the University of Sao Paulo and the University of Texas at San Antonio

  • Developer: Mr. Marcus Nobrega Gomes Junior, Ph.D

License Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.