
Express.js app that runs Puppeteer as a service; visits specified URL with Chromium and sends back various data (requests, cookies, etc.) as JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Webbkoll backend

This is the backend for the Webbkoll site checker. It's a tiny script that makes use of Puppeteer. It visits a given URL with Chromium and returns JSON with headers, cookies, requests, etc. It's not pretty.

Node 10.18.1+ required. Simply run npm install, which should install everything necessary, including a local copy of Chromium; and then npm start or (nodejs index.js) to start. Usage: http://localhost:8100/?fetch_url=http://www.example.com

Make sure you have all necessary system dependencies; see Puppeteer's troubleshooting page for e.g. a list of necessary Ubuntu/Debian packages.

The script listens to port 8100 by default. Output is logged to webbkoll-backend.log. Note that this script should be considered highly experimental, and it has NO throttling or access control whatsoever -- this needs to be handled elsewhere (for Webbkoll the frontend handles this). Don't put it on a public-facing server unless you're looking for trouble.

Inspired by Puppeteer as a Service.

Keep it running

Sample systemd unit file:


ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm start


Run systemctl daemon-reload for good measure, and then try systemctl start webbkoll-backend. (And systemctl enable webbkoll-backend to have it started automatically.)