*************************************************** ** jss: A Document Class for Publications in the ** ** Journal of Statistical Software ** *************************************************** This zip-archive contains the pdfLaTeX infrastructure for publications in the Journal of Statistical Software. The files - jss.cls (LaTeX2e class) - jss.bst (BibTeX style) - jsslogo.jpg (JPG logo) need to be included in your search path (local working directory, texmf or localtexmf tree). A manual how to use jss.cls is provided in - jss.pdf. Furthermore, there are templates for articles, code snippets, book reviews and software reviews available in - article.tex - codesnippet.tex - bookreview.tex - softwarereview.tex JSS papers should be prepared using JSS styles; the submission of the final version needs to include the full sources (.tex, .bib, and all graphics). A quick check for the most important aspects of the JSS style is given below; authors should make sure that all of them are addressed in the final version: - The manuscript can be compiled by pdfLaTeX. - \proglang, \pkg and \code have been used for highlighting throughout the paper (including titles and references), except where explicitly escaped. - References are provided in a .bib BibTeX database and included in the text by \cite, \citep, \citet, etc. - Titles and headers are formatted as described in the JSS manual: - \title in title style, - \section etc. in sentence style, - all titles in the BibTeX file in title style. - Figures, tables and equations are marked with a \label and referred to by \ref, e.g., "Figure~\ref{...}". - Software packes are \cite{}d properly. For more details, see the style FAQ at http://www.jstatsoft.org/style and the manual jss.pdf, in particular the style checklist in Section 2.1.