This repository is a mirror of the old Discretize optimizer code. The optimizer rewrite code is located at

🌌 - Gear optimizer

Welcome to the source repository of the Discretize gear optimizer.

💻 Technologies

🔄 Continuous integration

We use Github actions for continuous integration and deployment. Any push to the master branch will trigger the CI and deploy to the bucket of

Domain Branch Build legacy-optimizer [Old] build and deploy

👨‍💻 Developing

This project requires node 18! Please make sure to select the correct version of node via nvm or a comparable software before running yarn install

git clone
cd discretize-old
git submodule update --init --recursive
yarn install

To start the browsersync server to see your changes live whenever you save, use:

gulp watch

📞 Communication

Feel free to join our discord server for state-of-the-art team communication.