
Compiled runtime components for embedding the Dart VM

Primary LanguageC

This repository contains Dart headers and static library files to embed the VM into C/C++ projects.

I use it to embed Dart into Openframeworks via ofxFieldKitDart (see also: https://github.com/field/ofxFieldKitDart)

Steps to rebuild Dart static binaries

Mac OS X:

1. Install depot tools:

cd <directory where you want the depot_tools to live>
svn co http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/tools/depot_tools
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`//depot_tools

2. Get source with gclient and git svn:

(see also https://code.google.com/p/dart/wiki/GettingTheSource)

svn ls https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/
mkdir dart-git
cd dart-git
gclient config https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/deps/all.deps
git svn clone -rHEAD https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart dart
gclient sync
gclient runhooks

Open Xcode project at dart/runtime/dart-runtime.xcodeproj. Build target 'All', .a binaries will be in dart/xcodebuild/Debug.

To generate the library snapshop binary, run the followinng from xcodebuild/Debug:

3. Generate Library Snapshot

./gen_snapshot --snapshot=snapshot_gen.bin

4. Copy Files

Copy products over into this repository. dart/runtime/include/.h dart/xcodebuild/Debug/.a dart/xcodebuild/Release/*.a