
eGovernment case study description and Tool support for GRL


Enterprise Architecture (EA) principles are normally written in natural language which makes them informal, hard to evaluate and complicates tracing them to the actual goals of the organization. This project contains a framework to formalize EA principles with a semi-formal language, namely the Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL). We introduce an extension of the language with the required constructs and establish modeling rules and constraints. This allows us to automatically reason about the soundness, completeness and consistency of a set of EA principles. The project also contain a case study description from a governmental organization, which we call eGovernment.

Project Content

  • Case study description: A description of the case study eGovernment that we used.
  • GRL Extension: A set of OCL rules that can be imported into the jUCMNav Eclipse-based tool. The folder also contains installation instructions, GRL models and screenshots of these models.