105 - Unity Basics


Build the technical foundation needed for Programming in Unity. We will take a look at the Editor GUI and how we can write Code that we can use within Unity. We will also learn, how Unity's serialization works and how we can utilize it to store the information that we need to store.


This is a two-weeks course to introduce you to Unity Programming. This course will conclude with a small Top-Down Game.


Official Grade Internal Grade Requirement
VG Summa Cum laude (A*) 90-100%
VG Magna Cum Laude (A) 80-89%
VG Cum Laude (B) 70-79%
G Passed (C) 60-69%
G Barely Passed (D) 50-59%
U Insufficient (E) 1-49%
U Failed (F) 0%

Check out the Scoring Table to understand, what grade to expect depending on the features that you've implemented.

0 First Steps

1 The Editor


Unity is a modular, cross-platform 3D Engine with integrations for Ads, Shops, Physics, Multiplayer, Analytics, Visual Scripting, AR, VR nd much more. In this course, you'll learn to make your first steps in the 3D Engine which can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning.

Let's Get Started!

2 Scripting


Learn about Custom Components in Unity and Unity Event Functions

Let's Get Started!

3 Serialization


Learn about Unity's Serialization System and GameObject Lifetime

4 User Interface


Learn about Unity's UI System

5 Architecture


Learn about Communicating between Components and Game Objects and Scenes, Scriptable Objects and Reacting to Changes

6 Game On


Complete the Game described here