Project Period 3

Chapter 1: Use Unreal for Game Development

301 Unreal Engine Features (1w)

  • Particle Systems & Effects
  • Physics-Based Gameplay
  • Optimizing Performance

302 Network-Programming in Unreal (1w)

  • Multiplayer in Unreal
  • Online Services

303 C++ in Unreal (1w)

  • Extending the engine with custom C++ code

304 Finishing Unreal Projects (1w)

  • Packaging & Distribution
  • Testing, Debugging, Error Reporting

Chapter 2: Portfolio: Craft your Online Presence

305 Portfolio (5w)

Chapter 3: Artificial Intelligence in Game Production

306 Artificial Intelligence (2w)

Chapter 4: Working in a Game Production Team: Specialization (5w)


Chapter 5: Market Analysis, CV and Portfolio (2w)

Chapter 6: Industry-Preparation Game Programming (2w)