

Primary LanguageScala


JsonDB connects to MySQL on one side and listens HTTP on the other accepting MySQL queries over HTTP, running them, JSON(-p) serializes the results, and returns them to the caller. Useful with tools that need json(p) data into the browser, like afterquery.

JsonDB can store queries (with aliases) in a QueryStore. These queries can be loaded on startup (or after, on demand) and can have a refresh interval associated with them so they are always fresh in the cache.

Example usage

http://server/query?sql=select * from users

Under the hood

  • MapDB: Persistence, in-memory LRU cache, data comperession.
  • Akka: Concurrency, configuration, scheduler
  • Netty: Http web server

-- Hisham Mardam-Bey hisham.mardambey@gmail.com