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blacksmith is a library to build a solid microservices architecture based on REST API in Python 3. It support both synchronous and asynchronous code based on asyncio.
It is not an http client, it embed some features like service discovery, metrics, circuit breaker, and more.
The full documentation is here:
The project is stable and mature.
Some web framework integration exists that are extra packages:
fastlife is an asynchronous web framework based on fastapi. The idea is to build web application quickly.
The full documentation is here:
The project is in development
messagebus is a library to build an event driven architecture in Python 3. It support both synchronous and asynchronous code based on asyncio.
The full documentation is here:
This project is not production ready yet.
purgatory is a circuit breaker implementation for Python 3. It support both synchronous and asynchronous code based on asyncio.
The full documentation is here:
The project is stable and mature.
lastuuid is a small to generate UUIDv7 that works with Pydantic.
The project is does not implement uuid7, it is a binding to uuid7 in rust using pyo3.
subenv is library to substitute environment variable on the fly while reading a file stream.
It has been implemented in rust and bind with pyo3 to run blazingly fast.
plaster-yaml is library to configure a pyramid app
in a yaml (or json) format instead of .ini file.
It also use subenv in order to inject secrets or any other settings replaced on the fly while reading the configuration. It let maximum of flexibility and keep the loaded python object as a single point of truth for the configuration.
celery-yaml is a library to configure a celery app using a yaml file instead of python module.
It also use subenv in order to inject secrets or any other settings replaced on the fly while reading the configuration. It let maximum of flexibility and keep the loaded python object as a single point of truth for the configuration.