
Paginator for SQLAlchemy query object, list or iterable

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Paginator for SQLAlchemy query object, list or iterable


pip install paginator

Simple Usage with an iterable

from paginator import Paginator

items = range(1, 1000)

items = Paginator(items, page=1, per_page=10)

for item in items:

Simple Usage with an iterable and callback

from paginator import Paginator

items = range(1, 1000)

def my_callback(item):
    # do something
    return item
items = Paginator(items, page=1, per_page=10, callback=my_callback)

for item in items:


Paginator(query, page=1, per_page=10, total=None, padding=0, callback=None, static_query=False)

    :param query: Iterable to paginate. Can be a query object, list or any iterables
    :param page: current page
    :param per_page: max number of items per page
    :param total: Max number of items. If not provided, it will use the query to count
    :param padding: Number of elements of the next page to show
    :param callback: a function to callback on each item being iterated.
    :param static_query: bool - When True it will return the query as is, without slicing/limit. Usally when using the paginator to just create the pagination.

Jinja macro

{#: PAGINATION -------------------------------------------------------------- #}
     :paginator: iterator
     :prev: Text for previous button
     :next: Text for Next button
     :class_: A class name for pagination if customed. If you are extending the class
             best to add the original class and your custom class
             ie: 'pagination my_custom_pagination' or 'pager my_custom_page'
     :pager: If true it will show a pager instead of numbered pagination

{% macro pagination(paginator, endpoint=None, prev="", next="", class_=None, pager=False) %}
    {% if not endpoint %}
        {% set endpoint = request.endpoint %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if "page" in kwargs %}
        {% set _ = kwargs.pop("page") %}
    {% endif %}

    {%  if not class_ %}
        {% set class_ = "pagination" %}
        {% if pager %}
            {% set class_ = "pager" %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    {% set _prev_btn = "<span aria-hidden='true'>&larr;</span> %s" % prev %}
    {% set _next_btn = "<span aria-hidden='true'>&rarr;</span> %s" % next %}

      <ul class="{{ class_ }}">

          {%- if paginator.has_prev %}
            <li class="previous">
                <a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, page=paginator.prev_page_number, **kwargs) }}">
                     {{ _prev_btn | safe }}</a>
          {% else %}
            <li class="disabled previous">
                <a href="#">{{ _prev_btn | safe }}</a>
          {%- endif %}

            {% if not pager %}

                  {%- for page in paginator.iter_pages() %}
                    {% if page %}
                      {% if page != paginator.page %}
                        <li><a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, page=page, **kwargs) }}"
                         rel="me">{{ page }}</a></li>
                      {% else %}
                        <li class="active"><span>{{ page }}</span></li>
                      {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                      <li><span class=ellipsis>…</span></li>
                    {% endif %}
                  {%- endfor %}

            {% endif %}

          {%- if paginator.has_next %}
            <li class="next">
                <a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, page=paginator.next_page_number, **kwargs) }}">
                    {{ _next_btn | safe }}</a>
          {% else %}
            <li class="disabled next">
                <a href="#">{{ _next_btn | safe }}</a>
          {%- endif %}

{% endmacro %}


(c) 2015 Mardix