
Highlight or colour fields/columns in tabular/delimited standard input

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Highlight or colour fields in standard input

You may specify fields to highlight with -f / --columns. By default, colors the first column. You may specify delimiter with -d, by default uses TAB as delimiter.

Caveats: This is a simple tool. It does not understand delimiters inside quoted strings (meaning usually CSV files with commas within quotes).


$ hicol.rb -f 1,2,4 table.tsv
$ hicol.rb -f 2 --fg 20 --bg 255 data.tsv | less
$ hicol.rb --columns 2,3 data.tsv > output.txt
$ hicol.rb data.tsv data1.tsv
$ cat data*.tsv | hicol.rb
$ cat data.tsv | hicol.rb - data1.tsv


 hicol.rb --help

Usage: hicol.rb [options] [files]
Highlight given columns of input. Columns and single bg fg pair may be specified

Specific options:
    -f, --columns 1,2,3              Column/s to highlight (index 1)
    -d, --delim S                    delimiter, default is tab
        --fg NUM                     Foreground color number 0 - 255
        --bg NUM                     Background color number 0 - 255
    -h, --help                       Highlight Columns of delimited data


  Place hicol.rb in your PATH and preferably rename to hicol.


Takes only one color combination, which is applied to all fields. Cannot take separate colors for different fields. I may not work on this. Feel free to send a push request or patch for that.

  • Now ignores a field that does not exist.


MIT License.