AngularJS directive implementing intl-tel-input (
- 0
945-217-7563 is showing invalid phone number but it is valid phone number in Dallas (USA).
#134 opened by RaviBandaru333 - 2
How grab dialCode to angular variable?
#103 opened by BaurzhanSakhariev - 6
error with angular 1.5 and utils.js
#114 opened by kotmatpockuh - 0
Showing Invalid +91 638-309-2237
#133 opened by gprathuish - 0
get country flag based on number
#132 opened by iammadhujadhav - 2
element.intlTelInput is not a function
#118 opened by rajraja - 0
Publish latest to npm repository
#131 opened - 0
Shoving invalid +258 85 218 1027
#130 opened by manojkhande - 1
- 4
ng-model binding not working correctly
#110 opened by m2omou - 1
Model Not working?
#128 opened by Noushid - 2
Getting error : Cannot set property 'internationalPhoneNumber' of undefined
#98 opened by LearnGrowAndShare - 0
Set a default country dynamically
#129 opened by dant672 - 4
Question around ng-model - not binding properly
#87 opened by ganySA - 2
Improper validation of Hong Kong Number
#127 opened by paritosh-accedo - 1
- 5
- 5
how to get selected country code ?
#122 opened by arafathnihar - 2
Phone number validation?
#71 opened by rpudota - 2
for AngularJs 2?
#104 opened by kodeine - 0
- 2
Country code not displayed
#113 opened by rajithwijepura - 1
#120 opened by TomMettam - 0
- 0
Model not prepared when using alias controller
#116 opened by aminkh17 - 3
- 0
0.0.16 form is invalid on load. It was fixed until 0.0.15 but in the current version the problem is there
#115 opened by jackerman426 - 7
- 1
dropdownContainer - ionic needs this option
#112 opened by TheCelavi - 0
Angular directives like ng-blur, ng-click and ng-change not working with international-phone-number
#111 opened by Rahuldiff - 1
- 1
- 1
Build error
#107 opened by antero10 - 0
setCountry should be called, not selectCountry
#106 opened by rukavina - 8
- 0
- 1
custom path for utils.js
#92 opened by grahappa - 1
npm registry update
#99 opened by raphaelyancey - 0
Error but input behaves correctly
#96 opened by MadaManu - 0
Wrong validation
#94 opened by yamaha252 - 5
Save/use selected country
#88 opened by geoffreyvd - 0
Version compatibility with intl-tel-input?
#90 opened by slavafomin - 2
country code & extension
#70 opened by dacio - 0
I cant set the setNumber in controller
#89 opened by Prav92 - 0
How to use customPlaceholder?
#83 opened by rahulbpatel - 3
Collaborate with `ng-intl-tel-input`
#80 opened by skfd - 2
Model binding do not work on 0.0.13
#73 opened by RomanKisilenko - 1
Why do you need `$timeout`?
#66 opened by Francisc - 9
Please provide a plnkr with working example
#64 opened by avi22228 - 3
No way to globally customize default options
#62 opened by angrybacon