
Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


A mostly functionnal brainfuck interpreter written in Python.


The language 'brainfuck' knows the following commands:

Cmd Effect Equivalent in C

  • Increases element under pointer array[p]++;
  • Decrases element under pointer array[p]--;

Increases pointer p++; < Decreases pointer p--; [ Starts loop, counter under pointer while(array[p]) { ] Indicates end of loop } . Outputs ASCII code under pointer putchar(array[p]); , Reads char and stores ASCII under ptr array[p]=getchar();

All other characters are ignored. The 30000 array elements and p are being initialized to zero at the beginning. Now while this seems to be a pretty useless language, it can be proven that it can compute every solvable mathematical problem (if we ignore the array size limit and the executable size limit).