
Roundtrips4you is a smart trip planner and organzier for your own indivual trip

Primary LanguageVue


Roundtrips4you - tripplaner and organizer for individual trips developed by Marco Reisinger first commitment 31.07.2019 12:03 This website helps you to plan your personal trip in a smart and effective way.

Included features are

  • Sight & city suggestions
  • Hotel search & redirections
  • Trip overview with drag and drop editing
  • Auto route function to automatically set the trip to shortest route

This webapp uses vue.js, less.js and quasar framework

The website is live at Roundtrips4you.de

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

quasar dev

Lint the files

npm run lint

Build the app for production

quasar build