
Frontend app for my bachelor thesis application.

Primary LanguageVue


This project serves as the frontend application for my bachelor thesis web application.

Initial setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate


# validates the code format
$ yarn prettier

# validates the code format and fixes it if possible
$ yarn prettier:fix

# validates the code and code style
$ yarn lint

# validates the code and code style and fixes it if possible
$ yarn lint:fix

# installs husky git hooks, runs automatically when running `yarn install`
$ yarn prepare

# runs Jest tests without coverage report
$ yarn test

# runs Jest tests with coverage report
$ yarn test:coverage

# runs code format and fix
$ yarn format

Folder structure

Nuxt folders were moved to src/ folder along with the README.md file.

Important files

Configuration file for eslint linter.

Configuration file for prettier code formatter.

Configuration file commit messages linting before commit.

Configuration file for jest testing package.

Configuration file for lint-staged package, which performs set of task before commit.

Configuration file tailwind css styles.

Configuration file for typescript.


All icons used in this project were taken from Heroicons. For more information, go to https://heroicons.com/.