
Spryker DevelopmentVM

Reference vagrant repository for Spryker SaltStack

This repository contains Vagrantfile which is responsible for setting up initial state of the Dev VM.

Please refer to the Installation guide to install Spryker.

VM Settings

The VM will start with the default configuration for project demoshop and IP If you would like to change project name, you need to edit Vagrantfile and change value of variable VM_PROJECT (ie. to demoshop, project) and VM_IP - last digit. The IP address must be unique, so each VM on your workstation must have unique IP address. The generated hostnames will be using value of VM_PROJECT, so by default the hostnames will be:


Updates to VM


RabbitMQ service has been disabled by default - the software is installed but service is not started. It can be started manually by executing inside VM:

sudo -i service rabbitmq-server start

After starting RabbitMQ for the first time, you have to create users and vhosts to be able to access queue from application. This only needs to be executed once:

sudo -i salt-call state.sls rabbitmq.credentials

PHP development modules

The PHP modules xdebug and xhprof are pre-installed on the DevVM, but not enabled by default. To enable one of them, use the following commands:

# Enable XDebug
sudo -i bash -c "php5enmod -s cli -m xdebug; php5enmod -s fpm -m xdebug; service php5-fpm restart"

# Enable xhprof
sudo -i bash -c "php5enmod -s cli -m xhprof; php5enmod -s fpm -m xhprof; service php5-fpm restart"

# Disable XDebug
sudo -i bash -c "php5dismod -s cli -m xdebug; php5dismod -s fpm -m xdebug; service php5-fpm restart"

# Disable xhprof
sudo -i bash -c "php5dismod -s cli -m xhprof; php5dismod -s fpm -m xhprof; service php5-fpm restart"