
Example how to marry Mocha with Docker in order to make end-to-end even greater

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Example usage of Mocha with Docker


The main goal of the repo is to show how to marry Mocha with Docker in order to make your end-to-end tests even greater. There are quite a few benefits of test dockerization. It:

  • reduces test execution time, which is especially visible in scale.
  • elimates one of the stages - the building - which makes the tests more reliable in general
  • gives more control over the running environment which increases even more the reliability of the whole thing
  • lets your colleagues run the tests on their local machines, no matter what OS they're using or in what tech they're working on in daily basis


While developing high-level tests, like for UI, it's pretty often desired to run only a subset of tests or to inject a variable, like environment under test, while running the scenarios. In general, mocha allows to filter tests in two ways: based on path and by --grep parameter.

Therefore, for presentation purposes, I've decided to create repo that contains tests of more than one suite. By suite I mean a directory inside /tests, and there are three of them: end-to-end, foo, bar. Let's say that both foo and bar contain tests of some service, and I believe that end-to-end is self-explanatory.

Also, I've put it() blocks inside nested describe()s, which only include tags like @smoke or @regression. This way we can use the grep feature to cherry pick tests.

In result, we gained ability of running only those tests that we want.

  mocha ./tests/end-to-end/*.test.js --grep "@smoke"

and we can still easily set env variables:

  ENV="staging" mocha ./tests/end-to-end/*.test.js --grep "@smoke"


To make it work with Docker I've decided to go with a bash script, which is an entrypoint for Docker image. Nothing fancy there, but it gives us a lot of space for future development & improvements. To make my life easier, I defined a script for each suite in package.json

  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha ./tests/**/*.test.js",
    "test:e2e": "mocha ./tests/end-to-end/*.test.js",
    "test:bar": "mocha ./tests/bar/*.test.js",
    "test:foo": "mocha ./tests/foo/*.test.js"

Mainly, I did it because of two reasons:

  • we need to run the tests without docker as well, so having something like test:e2e is simply useful
  • I wanted to reduce complexity of bash script

This way, to make it work inside Docker container we must pass two or three variables into docker run commend:

  ENV="$ENV" npm run test:"${DOMAIN}"
  ENV="$ENV" npm run test:"${DOMAIN}" -- -g "$EXPRESSION"

which can be done like this:

  docker run -e ENV="staging" -e DOMAIN="foo" -e EXPRESSION="@smoke" mocha-with-docker:latest 

To build an image, execute:

  docker build -t mocha-with-docker .  

Further steps

Depending on the needs, you'll be probably required to install the necessary library dependecies into Dockerfile. It's always a good idea to search for 'how to' manuals in the official documentation of the particular tool. Here are some of them:

To copy test reports from non-running container you can use docker cp command, like this: