
Bridging library between Record3D and Unity

Primary LanguageC++

Record3D-Unity bridging library

2024/05/27 Update: To be used with Record3D 1.10 and newer.

2022/08/16 Update: To be used with Record3D 1.7.2 and newer.

2021/07/28 Update: Now supporting higher-quality LiDAR RGB streaming. Updated for Record3D 1.6 and newer.

2020/09/17 Update: Introduced LiDAR support

This library connects Record3D's live-streaming library record3d_cpp with Unity demo project. The goal of this library is to transform stream of RGBD video into Point Clouds that can be fed into Unity VFX Graph as attribute maps (textures).

Building on Windows (pre-built libs included)

Building on Windows is quite cumbersome, which is why I am including pre-built library.

Pre-built library (the recommended, pain-free way)

The library consists the following file, which you can download: record3d_unity_streaming.dll.

This library should be copied into record3d_unity_demo/Assets/Scripts. The demo record3d_unity_demo does already have this dll included, so you don't need to take any further action if you use the demo on Windows.

Building the library yourself (the hard way)

Before installing, make sure to have installed CMake >=3.13 (this is crucial).

  1. Build record3d_cpp

    1. git clone https://github.com/marek-simonik/record3d

    2. cd record3d

    3. Generate build files and open the .sln file in Visual Studio

      md build
      cd build
      cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 ..
    4. Open the generated .sln file in Visual Studio, change to Release build

    5. Right click on 'record3d_cpp' > Build

    6. After build, copy all .lib files to the "record3d\build\Release" folder (needed in further steps):

      # In the "record3d\build" folder:
      cp libs\win\lzfse-lzfse-1.0\Release\lzfse.lib Release\
      cp libs\win\libusbmuxd\Release\usbmuxd.lib Release\
      cp libs\win\libusbmuxd\libs\libplist\Release\plist.lib Release\
  2. Build record3d_unity_streaming (this library)

    1. git clone https://github.com/marek-simonik/record3d_unity_streaming

    2. cd record3d_unity_streaming

    3. Generate build files and open the .sln file in Visual Studio

      md build
      cd build
      cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 ..
    4. Open the generated .sln file in Visual Studio, change to Release build

    5. record3d_unity_streaming > Right Click > Properties > Linker > General > Additional Library Directories > [path-to-record3d]\build\Release;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)

    6. record3d_unity_streaming > Right Click > Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies > add "ws2_32.lib;lzfse.lib;plist.lib;usbmuxd.lib;record3d_cpp.lib;"

    7. Right click on 'record3d_unity_streaming' > Build

    8. Make sure that record3d_unity_streaming.dll (located in [record3d_unity_streaming]\build\Release) is in the PATH, this can be done in two ways: 2. Copy record3d_unity_streaming.dll into C:\Windows\System32 and/or C:\Windows\SysWOW64

      1. Add [record3d_unity_streaming]\build\Release to the PATH

You can now open the Unity demo project.

Building on macOS/Linux

Pre-built library for macOS

Similar to Windows, only one dylib file is needed: librecord3d_unity_streaming.dylib. Copy the .dylib file into /usr/local/lib/. If there is no /usr/local/lib/ folder on your disk, then create it.

Building the library yourself

Before building, make sure you have installed CMake >=3.13 (this is crucial). After you have CMake installed, you can proceed to building and installing 2 libraries;

  • record3d_cpp — handles raw RGBD streaming from the Record3D iOS app via USB cable to a computer

      # Install the record3d_cpp library
      git clone https://github.com/marek-simonik/record3d
      cd record3d
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
      make -j8 record3d_cpp
      sudo make install
  • record3d_unity_streaming (this library) — acts as a bridging library between record3d_cpp and Unity; produces point cloud (texture) data from record3d_cpp's RGBD stream and provides API suitable for C# wrapper code

      # Install the record3d_unity_streaming library
      git clone https://github.com/marek-simonik/record3d_unity_streaming
      cd record3d_unity_streaming
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
      make -j8
      sudo make install

If the installation of both libraries was successful, you can run the Unity demo project.