
A course in git for the uninitiated using the "hard way" method

Primary LanguageShell

Learn Git The Hard Way (LGTHW)

An introduction to git based on the 'hardway method'.

Praise for LGTHW:

"I learn a lot better walking through examples that show expected output start to finish, since then I can ensure I did it right, and then play around with it to see if I understood. Given that, your book seemed perfect. Thanks for posting on github!"

The LxTHW Philosophy

'"Less Talk, More Code" summarizes the philosophy. By having students get code working first, and explaining it second, you cut down on much of the difficulty of explaining programming concepts to the uninitiated.

A LxTHW book simply has students do exercises, focuses on practice and rote repetition, and instills an attitude that to learn anything one must be prepared to work at it.'


The reader is expected to have:

  • A familiarity with the command line
  • A familiarity with basic Linux commands