
This is a simple calculator app. It allows users to perform basic arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root, square root and factorial.


Ubuntu 64-bit


sudo apt update && sudo apt install make

Installation & Usage

To get started with our Calculator, see the User Manual, which includes an installation guide and instructions for use

Makefile commands

make all- compiles project with program for profilling

make pack- create a zip package

make clean- remove all unwated binary files

make test- run test for math library

make doc- generate documentation

make run- run the Calculator app

make profile- compile the program for calculation of standard deviation


Team Klub priaťelov mesta Stropkov

  • Ján Findra (xfindr01)
  • Marko Olešák (xolesa00)
  • Ondrej Kožanyi (xkozan01)
  • Marek Joukl (xjoukl00)


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL 3 License