
Deploying a Django project in production with Docker Compose, Gunicorn and Nginx.

Primary LanguagePython

Run Django with Docker Compose

This repo contains code to spin up a boilerplate Django project with Docker Compose.

It will be hosted locally using Gunicorn and Nginx containers.


Run services in the background: docker-compose up -d

Run services in the foreground: docker-compose up --build

Inspect volume: docker volume ls and docker volume inspect <volume name>

Prune unused volumes: docker volume prune

View networks: docker network ls

Bring services down: docker-compose down

Open a bash session in a running container: docker exec -it <container ID> /bin/bash


  1. The docker-compose yaml file will first spin up the Gunicorn container that will run the Django project at port 8000

  2. The entrypoint to the django_gunicorn service is entrypoint.sh. This script will do a database migration and it will also collect the static files used by the Django project.

  3. The static files will be collected in STATIC_ROOT. This is the /static directory in the container.

  4. This directory is mounted to a Docker volume on the local machine.

  5. The next container that will be spun is Nginx. The Dockerfile for this container is in the /nginx folder. The Nginx configuration will interact with the Gunicorn service at port 8000 and it will also serve the static files in /static also mounted to the same volume.


  • You will be able to reach the Django project at This is the Nginx endpoint that interacts with Gunicorn at

  • To validate that the static files are being served correctly, you can visit This endpoint will show you the admin page with the correct style used. Gunicorn does not serve static files, so if you visit - the admin page will pop up without the default style.