
A simple demo app to show how AWS X-Ray instrumentation works with Node.JS 12 with HTTP and AWS SDK calls.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A demo app to show how AWS X-Ray instrumentation works with Node.JS 12 with HTTP and AWS SDK calls. The stack creates an API GW, Node.JS Lambda to handle requests, a Lambda Layer containing X-Ray and other libraries and a DynamoDB table to store results.

The HTTP and DynamoDB requests will be traced from the X-Ray console;

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You can also see the individual traces for PUT and GET requests to DynamoDB (shown for a 256MB Lambda function below).

GET requests to /get path

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PUT requests to /put path

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You can query the API through the browser or CLI

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You can deploy the app to your AWS account using the AWS SAM CLI. Run 'sam build' and 'sam deploy -g' in the directory. After the deployment, the API Gateway URL you can query with curl or your browser is shown.