Extending Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Inference Network for Volleyball Group Activity Recognition by adding information about position of the ball.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Volleyball Enhanced Group Actions Specifier

Basing on DIN, with addition of ball position.

In collaboration with Błażej Czekała

Get Started

Go through instructions in the original README below. You don't need to download the Collective Activity Dataset.

To use gpu add --gpus all flag while initializing docker container. More instructions here.

Ball Position Dataset

Thanks to Mauricio Perez, Jun Liu, Alex C. Kot. Paper: Skeleton-based relational reasoning for group activity analysis

Download the dataset extension and put it in data/volleyball/videos/ball_pos

(found in https://github.com/mostafa-saad/deep-activity-rec)

Start Training

To start training, go to initial directory in docker (/opt/DIN_GAR/) and execute

For training from scratch:

python scripts/train_volleyball_stage1.py 0

For training with original model already trained (insert original model to docker as /model_best.pth):

python scripts/train_volleyball_stage1.py 1

Original README:

The source codes for ICCV2021 Paper: Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Inference Network for Group Activity Recognition.
[paper] [supplemental material] [arXiv]

If you find our work or the codebase inspiring and useful to your research, please cite

  title={Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Inference Network for Group Activity Recognition},
  author={Yuan, Hangjie and Ni, Dong and Wang, Mang},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},


  • Software Environment: Linux (CentOS 7)
  • Hardware Environment: NVIDIA TITAN RTX
  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 1.2.0, Torchvision 0.4.0
  • RoIAlign for Pytorch

Prepare Datasets

  1. Download publicly available datasets from following links: Volleyball dataset and Collective Activity dataset.
  2. Unzip the dataset file into data/volleyball or data/collective.
  3. Download the file tracks_normalized.pkl from cvlab-epfl/social-scene-understanding and put it into data/volleyball/videos

Using Docker

  1. Checkout repository and cd PROJECT_PATH

  2. Build the Docker container

docker build -t din_gar https://github.com/JacobYuan7/DIN_GAR.git#main
  1. Run the Docker container
docker run --shm-size=2G -v data/volleyball:/opt/DIN_GAR/data/volleyball -v result:/opt/DIN_GAR/result --rm -it din_gar
  • --shm-size=2G: To prevent ERROR: Unexpected bus error encountered in worker. This might be caused by insufficient shared memory (shm)., you have to extend the container's shared memory size. Alternatively: --ipc=host
  • -v data/volleyball:/opt/DIN_GAR/data/volleyball: Makes the host's folder data/volleyball available inside the container at /opt/DIN_GAR/data/volleyball
  • -v result:/opt/DIN_GAR/result: Makes the host's folder result available inside the container at /opt/DIN_GAR/result
  • -it & --rm: Starts the container with an interactive session (PROJECT_PATH is /opt/DIN_GAR) and removes the container after closing the session.
  • din_gar the name/tag of the image
  • optional: --gpus='"device=7"' restrict the GPU devices the container can access.

Get Started

  1. Train the Base Model: Fine-tune the base model for the dataset.

    # Volleyball dataset
    python scripts/train_volleyball_stage1.py
    # Collective Activity dataset
    python scripts/train_collective_stage1.py
  2. Train with the reasoning module: Append the reasoning modules onto the base model to get a reasoning model.

    1. Volleyball dataset

      • DIN

        python scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_dynamic.py
      • lite DIN
        We can run DIN in lite version by setting cfg.lite_dim = 128 in scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_dynamic.py.

        python scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_dynamic.py
      • ST-factorized DIN
        We can run ST-factorized DIN by setting cfg.ST_kernel_size = [(1,3),(3,1)] and cfg.hierarchical_inference = True.

        Note that if you set cfg.hierarchical_inference = False, cfg.ST_kernel_size = [(1,3),(3,1)] and cfg.num_DIN = 2, then multiple interaction fields run in parallel.

        python scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_dynamic.py

      Other model re-implemented by us according to their papers or publicly available codes:

      • AT
        python scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_at.py
      • PCTDM
        python scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_pctdm.py
      • SACRF
        python scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_sacrf_biute.py
      • ARG
        python scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_arg.py
      • HiGCIN
        python scripts/train_volleyball_stage2_higcin.py
    2. Collective Activity dataset

      • DIN
        python scripts/train_collective_stage2_dynamic.py
      • DIN lite
        We can run DIN in lite version by setting 'cfg.lite_dim = 128' in 'scripts/train_collective_stage2_dynamic.py'.
        python scripts/train_collective_stage2_dynamic.py

Another work done by us, solving GAR from the perspective of incorporating visual context, is also available.

  title={Learning Visual Context for Group Activity Recognition},
  author={Yuan, Hangjie and Ni, Dong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},