
💧 Pure SCSS dropdown. Can be used for tooltips as well.

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT


💧 Pure SCSS drop. Themeable.

How To Use

The minimal drop HTML markup looks like this:

<div class="drop drop--down"> <!-- 1 -->
 <!-- 2 -->
 <div class="drop__content"> <!-- 3 -->
   <!-- 4 -->
  1. This element enables the drop functionality. There are other CSS classes that one can utilize:
  • drop--up => reverses the direction of drop
  • is-open => activates the drop programatically
  • -color-secondary => inverts the color scheme
  • -color-lighter => lightens the default color scheme
  1. Virtually any element, be it a block or an inline element, can be used in this place.

  2. Main content holder. There are more classes to use here:

  • -transition-fade-in => adds an animated transition
  • -transition-slide-in => adds an animated transition
  1. Virtually any element can go here but if you want a popover with a nice arrow you want to insert the following markup:
<div class="drop-arrow"></div>
<div class="drop-list -size-medium -position-left"> <!-- 5 -->
  <button class="drop-list__btn">Action 1</button>
  <button class="drop-list__btn">Action 2</button>
  1. There are some more CSS class options here:
  • -pull-left or -pull-right => pulls the content to the side a bit
  • -position-center or -position-right => changes the position of the content
  • -border-rounded => rounds the content holder borders



Dark Theme Preview


Light Theme Preview


<div class="drop -color-lighter drop--down">
  <button class="more">More</button>

  <div class="drop__content -transition-slide-in">
    <div class="drop-arrow"></div>

    <div class="drop-list -size-medium -position-right -border-rounded">
      <button class="drop-list__btn">Edit</button>
      <button class="drop-list__btn">Delete</button>
