
📚 A curated collection of great resources I stumbled upon throughout my career.


The collection is divided into multiple categories and is subject for further reorganisation sooner or later. This is just a small part of my second brain that I've been building for a while now.

I keep great content in Instapaper, Apple Notes, Notepad, Text files in DropBox, Browser bookmarks, YouTube, Vimeo and Ted playlists, bookshelf, etc.


  1. Algorithms & Data Structures
  2. API design
  3. Building Products
  4. Compilers
  5. Design Patterns & Principles
  6. Domain Driven Design
  7. Entrepreneurship & Startups
  8. Freelancing, Equity & Compensation
  9. Functional and Reactive Programming
  10. Self-Help
  11. Professional Development
  12. Software Architecture
  13. User Interface
  14. User Experience
  15. User Stories
  16. Web Development
  17. Work

Algorithms & Data Structures

API design

  • Google's API Design Guide - guide
  • HTTP API Design Guide - guide
  • Ultimate Guide to API Design - guide
  • Web APIs from Scratch to Finish - series

Building Products

  • 1000 True Fans - article
  • 19 Channels You Can Use To Get Traction - article
  • 8 rules of great products - article
  • Does it Scale? Who Cares! - article
  • How to Come Up with Side Project Ideas - article
  • How to Decide What to Build - article
  • How I Built an App with 500k Users in 5 days on $100 / mo server - article
  • Product Design for Rapid Growth - article
  • Product Management with Suzie Prince - podcast
  • Reducing Cognitive Overload for a Better UX - article
  • Reverse Engineering a Successful Lifestyle Business - article
  • Scaling Your Web App 101 - article
  • Six Steps to Superior Product Prototyping - article
  • The Future of Software Engineering - video
  • The MVP is Dead, Long Live RAT - article
  • The Next Feature Fallacy - article
  • The Process of Designing a Product - article
  • Two Step, No Bullshit Guide to Sketching - article
  • Use This Simple Psychology Rule to Improve your Customer Experience - article


Design Patterns & Principles

  • Coffee Maker Heuristics - guide
  • Encapsulation and SOLID - course
  • The Four Elements of Simple Design - article

Domain Driven Design

  • Getting Started with DDD - article

Entrepreneurship & Startups

  • 9 Tactics That Will Improve Your Customer Lifetime Value - article
  • $9 marketing stack - article
  • Don't Start Big, Start a Little Snowball - article
  • Fuck It, Ship It - article
  • Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule - article
  • How to Make a Million Dollars in Cold Hard Cash - article
  • How to Make Wealth - article
  • How to Start a Startup without Ruining Your Life - article
  • How Anyone Can Make Insanely Better Slides - article
  • Ten Rules for Web Startups - article
  • The Epic Guide to Bootstrapping a SaaS Startup - series
  • The Greatest Sales Deck I Have Ever Seen - article
  • The List of N Things - article
  • The One Cost Engineers and PMs Don't Consider - article
  • Things I Learned At My Startup - article
  • Recursive Product Strategy - article
  • Relentlessly Resourceful - article
  • Six Principles for Making New Things - article
  • Startups in 13 Sentences - article
  • Successful People Start Before They Feel Ready - article
  • Writing, Briefly - article
  • YCs Essential Startup Advice - article
  • Zápisky z Budúcnosti series - slovak

Freelancing, Equity & Compensation

  • 50 Ways, Happier Healthier and More Successful People Live On Their Own Terms - article
  • Engineering You - talk
  • How to Set Your Rate - article
  • The Open Guide to Equity & Compensation - guide
  • Holloway's Guide to Equity Compensation - guide
  • The Two Paths To Success - article

Functional and Reactive Programming

  • An Introduction to Functional Programming - article
  • Interoperability of Common Algebraic Structures in JavaScript - specification
  • Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming - guide
  • Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript - course
  • The Introduction to Reactive Programming - article


  • (Deep Work) => Flow: A proven Path to Satisfaction - article
  • 6 Things You Need to Recover From Every Day - article
  • From reading to doing - podcast
  • Future of Productivity - publication
  • Habits vs Goals - article
  • Happiness, Systems for Decision Making, Habits, Honesty and More - podcast
  • How to Disagree - article
  • How to Go From Successful to Very Successful - article
  • How to Learn Efficiently - article
  • How to Learn New Things as an Adult - article
  • How to Make Better Use of Everything You Read - article
  • How to Prioritise Using These 9 Mental Models - article
  • How to Wake Up Early, Your Ultimate Blueprint - article
  • Improving Focus - article
  • In a Difficult Conversation, Listen More Than you Talk - article
  • Learning These 9 Tough Skills Will Pay Off for the Rest of Your Life - article
  • Mental Models - article
  • Methodology Workshop - video
  • Millennials Question - talk
  • Minimally Nice Maintainer - article
  • Productivity - article
  • The React Productivity Revolution - talk
  • The Top Idea in your Mind - article
  • The Top of My Todo List - article
  • The System I Used to Write Many Books and Blog Posts - article
  • Thoughts on Living a Productive Live - publication
  • Use Spaced Repetition with Anki - article
  • You Too May be a Victim of Developaralysis - article
  • Why you Should Be Planning for 2018, nor for 2017 - article
  • Write Like You Talk - article

Professional Development

  • 10 Things My Friends and I are Doing to Be Better Devs - article
  • 250 Free Ivy League Courses - collection
  • 9 Anti-Patterns Every Programmer Should Be Aware of - article
  • A Visual Guide to Machine Learning - article
  • Being A Developer After 40 - article
  • Code Review Best Practices - article
  • Coreutils - docs
  • Data Science Curriculum - collection
  • Don't Call Yourself a Programmer - article
  • Every Programmer Should Know - collection
  • Faster, Better, Cheaper - Art of Making Software - article
  • Google Interview Unisersity - collection
  • Growing As Software Engineer - article
  • Holding a Program in One's Head - article
  • How Do I Stay Up-To-Date as a Software Developer - article
  • How I Became a Better Programmer - article
  • How Can You Increase Your Value as a Software Engineer - article
  • I Wanted to Learn CS so I created My Own Curriculum - collection
  • In Pursuit of Production Minimalism - article
  • Introduction to Computer Organization - book
  • Improving a Legacy Codebase - article
  • Low Level Programmer University - collection
  • Open Source Computer Science Degree - collection
  • Open Source Society - collection
  • Recovering from Burnout - article
  • Sideways Dictionary - site
  • System Design Primer - guide
  • Talks that Changed the Way I Think About Programming - collection
  • Teach Yourself Computer Science - collection
  • Teach Yourself Programming in 10 Years - article
  • Teach Writing Code First - article
  • Technical Development Guide - guide
  • The 1% Rule - article
  • Things You Should Never Do, Part 1 - article
  • The Art of Minimalistic Design - article
  • The Total Beginners Guide to Game AI - guide
  • The Ultimate Guide to JS Fatigue - article
  • What You'll Wish You'd Known - article
  • Why Design Documents Matter - article
  • You're Not Paid to Write Code - article

Software Architecture

  • C4 Software Architecture - podcast
  • Choose Boring Technology - slides
  • Database Choices with Markus Winand - podcast
  • Debugging Postgresql The Hard Way - article
  • Design Bias - article
  • Evolutionary Architecture - podcast
  • How to Deploy Software - article
  • Online Migrations at Scale - article
  • Systems That Run Forever, Self Heal and Scale - talk
  • The Three Infrastructure Mistakes Your Company Must Not Do - article
  • Towards a Theory of Software Design - video
  • Unit Testability and the Universal Architecture - podcast, summary
  • Write Code That Is Easy To Delete - article

User Interface

  • 7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI - series
  • A Framework for Creating a Predictable and Harmonious Spacing System - article
  • Material Design Principles - guide
  • Practical Color Theory for People Who Code - guide
  • Tactical Design Advice for Developers - podcast
  • Web Typography for Non-Designers - article

User Experience

  • 7 Principles of Rich Web Applications - article
  • 26 Digital Typography Rules for Beginners - article
  • How to Fix a Bad UI - article
  • Jank Free - guide
  • Why Performance Matters: The Perception of Time - series

User Stories

Web Development

  • 12 Factor App - guide
  • A Step-by-Step Guide for Starting a New App Design Project - article
  • Browser Rendering Optimization - course
  • CSS Architecture - article
  • CSS Evolution from CSS to Styled Components - article
  • CSS Font Size EM vs PX vs PT - article
  • Ember Igniter - collection
  • Enterprise Ready - guide
  • FLIP Your Animations - article
  • From Zero To Frontend Hero - article
  • Functional React Series - series
  • Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet Structure - guide
  • Medium's CSS is Actually Pretty F*****g Good - article
  • Building Loveable UIs - slides
  • Performance Engineering with React - series
  • Optimising the Frontend for the Browser - guide
  • Web Fundamentals: Performance - guide
  • Helpful Principles When Starting with React - article
  • Learning Elixir - series
  • Progressive Image Loading - collection
  • Two Quick Ways to Reduce App Size with WebPack - article
  • Muzli Styleguide Inspirations - article
  • The Invisible Parts of CSS - article
  • Web Developer Security - checklist
  • Website Performance Optimization - course


  • 1 Year of Working Remote - story
  • Awesome Remote Job - collection
  • Career Cold Start - article
  • Be Productive Anywhere: 8 Proven Strategies for Better Remote Work - article
  • Forget Work-Life Balance: Achieve Work-Life Integration by Finding Purpose - video
  • Getting Things Done - article
  • Hiring Without Whiteboards - collection
  • How to Ask for a Raise - article
  • How to Be the Fastest Developer on Your Team - series
  • In 2017 Learn Every Language - article
  • Legacy Code - podcast
  • Lessons Learned Building And Managing a Remote Team - article
  • The Shockingly Simple Math For An Early Retirement - article
  • Ultimate Guide to Remote Work - series
  • Working Remotely, Coworking and Mental Health - article