
Simple, small, somewhat fast, FORTH inspired programming language. Very early WIP.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Simple, small, somewhat fast, FORTH inspired programming language.

Very early WIP.

  • only three first characters of word are parsed (login, logic, and log are equal)
  • stack based
  • code is case insensitive
What Words Example Stack before Stack after
COMMENT ( ) ( comment ) - -
LITERAL # #1 - value
PRINT . #1 . value -
UNSIGNED PRINT . #1 u. value -
HEX PRINT . #1 h. value -
BINARY PRINT . #1 b. value -
FLOAT PRINT . #1 f> f. value -
IF ? " ; condition ? if true : if false ; condition -
FOR FOR ; counter FOR ... ; loop-counter -
CASE ?: : ; ;: var ?: test1 : if var = test1 ; ... ;: test-variable -
SWAP swp #1 #2 swp a b b a
DUPLICATE dup #1 dup a a a
OVER ovr #1 #2 ovr a b a b a
ROTATE rot #1 #2 #3 rot a b c b c a
SET set #3 #0 set value address -
GET get #0 get address value
FUNCTION : ; : function-name ... ; - -
What Where Description (a is value on top of stack)
var -
drop - Discard top value from stack
ms - Wait for a ms
nl - Prints newline (\n)
." - Prints everything until "
d: CASE Default case
s. - Print stack
sf. - Print stack as floats
+ - / * ~ neg abs - Math functions
f+ f- f/ f* - Float math functions
f> f< - Convert to and from float
> < >= <= <> == - Comparision function
>> << | & - Bitwise functions
` &&`
inf - Loop back to beginning
pc - Pushes current program counter on stack
go - Sets program counter to value a