
Symfony training at Mall-Connect #0

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Symfony training at Mall-Connect #0

Idea of “Recycle batteries” web application is to count amount of collected batteries. There is a box for used batteries and a computer near the box, with our web application. When someone brings old batteries – he throws them into the box and submit a form in application.

Task 1 // Create form to add new batteries

Form must contain fields: Battery Type, Count and Name. Name is not required field, even anonymous user can give us used batteries. After form is submitted, the record about added batteries is stored in tha database.

Task 2 // Create a page with statistics of collected batteries.

There must be a table on this page with two columns: Battery type and Total count

Task3 // Write functional test

Test cases:

  • Submit Battery form with 4 AA batteries (1)
  • Submit Battery form with 3 AAA batteries (2)
  • Submit Battery form with 1 AA battery (3)
  • Open statistics page and check that there are 2 rows in the table, with counts: AA – 5, AAA – 3 (4-8)


# composer install

# php bin/console doctrine:database:create

# php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

# php bin/console server:run


