Dataset for the manuscript "Investigating transport in a tidally-driven coral atoll flow using Lagrangian Coherent Structures"
Data repository for the Filippi et al (2021) article published in Limnology and Oceanography. You may find an open copy on DSpace@MIT.
The dataset is hosted on Zenodo:
The citation is:
margauxf. (2020). margauxf/LCS_Scott_Reef: First release (v1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
The observed drifter trajectories can be found in Drifter_data. A file is provided.
The numerical velocity fields from the SUNTANS model [Rayson et al, 2019] can be found on the THREDDS server hosted by the Shadden Lab at Berkeley :
- The surface velocity fields can be accessed here.
- The non-divergent components of the above velocity fields can be accessed here.
M. D. Rayson, G. N. Ivey, N. L. Jones and O. B. Fringer. Resolving high-frequency internal waves generated at an isolated coral atoll using an unstructured grid ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 12267-84, 2018.