
Minimal Node.js Docker Images built on Alpine Linux

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Minimal Node.js Docker Image

Version v6.10.3 – built on Alpine Linux.

All versions use the one margussipria/alpine-node repository, but each version aligns with the following tags (ie, margussipria/alpine-node:<tag>). The sizes are for the unpacked images as reported by Docker – compressed sizes are about 1/3 of these:

  • Full install built with npm:
    • 6, 6.10, 6.10.3 – 53.4 MB (npm 3.10.10)


$ docker run margussipria/alpine-node:6 node --version

$ docker run margussipria/alpine-node:6 npm --version

Example Dockerfile for your own Node.js project

If you don't have any native dependencies, ie only depend on pure-JS npm modules, then my suggestion is to run npm install locally before running docker build (and make sure node_modules isn't in your .dockerignore) – then you don't need an npm install step in your Dockerfile and you don't need npm installed in your Docker image – so you can use one of the smaller base* images.

FROM margussipria/alpine-node:base-6
# FROM margussipria/alpine-node:6

ADD . .

# If you have native dependencies, you'll need extra tools
# RUN apk add --no-cache make gcc g++ python

# If you need npm, don't use a base tag
# RUN npm install

CMD ["node", "index.js"]


As Alpine Linux uses musl, you may run into some issues with environments expecting glibc-like behavior – especially if you try to use binaries compiled with glibc. You should recompile these binaries to use musl (compiling on Alpine is probably the easiest way to do this).

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