
Library and UI to configure and control LewanSoul LX-16A servos

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LewanSoul LX-16A servos driver & GUI

LewanSoul LX-16A is a wonderful servos although using them requires implementing custom serial protocol and you need to configure them before use (set unique IDs for all servos, configur limits, etc.). Company provides a tool for that, but it works only on Windows.

This project aims to fill the gap for non-Windows users. It consists of two parts: a servo library and a GUI tool. Servo library implements an interface to talk to servos using their protocol and GUI provides convenient way to configure them.

alt text


Just install both packages to use them:

( cd lewansoul-lx16a && python setup.py install )
( cd lewansoul-lx16a-terminal && python setup.py install )

To launch GUI use lewansoul-lx16a-terminal command.

Code example

import serial
import lewansoul_lx16a

SERIAL_PORT = '/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410'

controller = lewansoul_lx16a.ServoController(
    serial.Serial(SERIAL_PORT, 115200, timeout=1),

# control servos directly
controller.move(1, 100) # move servo ID=1 to position 100

# or through proxy objects
servo1 = controller.servo(1)
servo2 = controller.servo(2)


# synchronous move of multiple servos

Example of controlling servos through Bus Servo Controller:

import serial
import time
from lewansoul_lx16a_controller import ServoController


s = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-00000000', 9600, timeout=2)
c = ServoController(s, timeout=5)


servo1_id = 3
servo2_id = 5

print(c.get_positions([servo1_id, servo2_id]))

c.move({servo1_id: 1000, servo2_id: 500}, time=300)
c.move({servo1_id: 800, servo2_id: 500}, time=2000)
c.unload([servo1_id, servo2_id])
time.sleep(0.1) # important not to close serial connection immediately