
This is meant to be sort of a portfolio for me to talk about my journey through 3D Modeling, making a VR game and things I learn along the way. The wiki page contains a journal of my progress since the actual project files are too big to be uploaded

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This is meant to be sort of a journal of my journey through 3D Modeling, making a VR game and things I learn along the way

This project was part of a mentorship through Chic Geek's mentorship program in 2018 and will not be updated anymore. Please check out the wiki to see the journal of my progress.

A video of my final presentation video can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15w_LajNGixeISVyDJlGDjmkcOQ9eTYlt/view?usp=sharing

And that concludes my Chic Geek mentorship program experience