Sync changes in Paperpile to a Notion database.
Create a new database (e.g. "Papers") with the columns named exactly:
of type title.Authors
of type text.Year
of type text.Link
of type url.Reference ID
of type text.Tags
of type multiselect.
Get the database identifier from the database page. If your database url is:
To get the database identifier of a Notion database, click on the ellipses of the table/database, then hit “View Database”, then click on the ellipses on the top right, click “Copy Link” and take the first hash from the resulting URL.
Create a new integration on
- Name: Paperpile to Notion
- Associated Workspace: Workspace of the database.
- Content Capabilities: Read Content, Update Content, Insert Content.
- User Capabilities: Read user information, including email addresses.
- Press "Submit" and copy the Internal Integration Token.
On the database page, click "Share" (top right) and add "Paperpile to Notion" with edit access.
Fork this repository with the green "Use this template" button.
On you fork, go to: "Settings -> Secrets -> Actions".
Create 2 new repository secrets named exactly:
: Your integration's internal integration token, from step 3.5 above.DATABASE_IDENTIFIER
: Your database identifier, from step 2 above.
Settings > Actions > General > Workflow Permissions > then check “Read and Write Permissions”
Click on the top-right gear, go to "Workflows and Integrations".
Follow the instructions to add a new "BibTex Export", choosing:
- Your GitHub repository fork as the repository.
as the export path.
The first sync should start as soon as the Paperpile workflow is created, and subsequent syncs are triggered whenever papers are added or updated in your Paperpile.
Note The first sync might take some time as Notion limits the API rate to ~ 3 requests / second; so if you have 1,000 papers it'll take ~ 6 minutes before they are all available in Notion.