
Compendio de ejercicios de Spoj para la clase de Grafos y Flujos de Redes

Primary LanguageC++

Grafos y Redes de Flujos

Desafíos de Spoj en C++:sunglasses::

  • Scavhunt ➡️ Orden Topólogico
  • Arbitrage ➡️ Floyd Warshall
  • Toposort ➡️ Orden Topólogico
  • The Shortest Path ➡️ Dijkstra
  • Prayatna PR Team ➡️ DFS para encontrar solo los vertices conectados
  • Magical Bridges at Hogwarts ➡️ Floyd Warshall considerando solo los vertices que nos importan.
  • Room of Death ➡️ Bipartite Graph of rows and columns. The problem asks us to find the vertex cover. According to König's theorem the minimum vertex cover is equal to the number of edges in the maximum matching. Using this, the problem can be solved by just calculating the maximum matching of the graph. NOTE: solution gives Segmentation Fault in the terminal, but Spoj accepts it, it also ran perfectly in Ideone.com.
  • Pothole ➡️ Max flow with a a slight variation of Floyd-Warshall, Edmonds-Karp (our way of searching paths is defined).

Proof of them working