
TP para aplicaciones distribuidas

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TP Aplicaciones Distribuidas


  • Use npm 17 for better compatibility with this project.

DB Setup

To connect to the db use MongoDB Compass, you can connect with the following connection string:


How to run the project

This project is based on: https://www.bezkoder.com/node-express-mongodb-crud-rest-api/

  • Install dependencies:
npm i
  • Start Server:
npm start
  • Run the linter, it will automatically fix most issues:
npm run lint 
  • Update swagger:

This command will autogenerate the swagger json file using this package: https://github.com/davibaltar/swagger-autogen

npm run swagger

The docs are exposed on http://localhost:8000/docs

When merging to main the project will be automatically deployed to: https://morfando.azurewebsites.net/. If everything is ok it will return a healthy message by default.

Diagrama de estructura de la base de datos MongoDB

 class Dish {
    -name: String,
    -price: Decimal,
    -picture: Buffer,
    -discounts :Number,
    -pictures : Array
  class User {
    -role: String,
    -custom: Object,
    -favoriteRestaurants: Array,
    -ownedRestaurants: Object,
    -coordinates: Object,
    -isLoggedIn : Boolean,
    -pictures: Array,
    -token: String
    class Restaurant {
    -name: String,
    -openingTime: Array,
    -closingTime: Array,
    -isClosedOverwrite: Boolean,
    -priceRange: String,
    -address: Object,
    -coordinates : Object,
    -restaurantTypes: Array,
    -menuCategories: Array,
    -menu: Array,
    -reviews: Array,
    -averageRaiting: Number,
    -pictures: Array,
    class Review {
    -rating: Number,
    -comment: String
     class Image {
    -data: Object,
    -name: String,
    -type: String,
      class Token {
    -userId: Object,
    -token: String,
    -createdAt: Date,
 Restaurant "1" *-- "0..n" Dish : menu
 Restaurant "1" *-- "0..n" Review : reviews
 Restaurant "1" *-- "0..n" Image : pictures
 Dish "1" *-- "0..n" Image : pictures
 User "1" *-- "1" Token : idMongo
 User "1" *-- "0..n" Restaurant : idMongo
 User "1" *-- "0..n" Review : idMongo