
Database concurrency and crash recovery testing tool

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

What is pstress ?

pstress is a probability-based open-source database testing tool designed to run in concurrency and to test if the database can recover when something goes wrong. It generates random transactions based on options provided by the user. With the right set of options, users can test features, regression, and crash recovery. It can create concurrent load on a cluster or on a single server.

pstress is extended using the existing framework of pquery-2.0 and integrated with the same driver script that executes pquery. Pstress consists of:

  • Driver script (written in BASH as a shell script - pquery-run.sh)
  • Workload ( multi-threaded program written in C++ that generates load and performs query execution)

The tool is currently in beta and is available on GitHub here: https://github.com/Percona-QA/pstress

What is new in pstress ?

  • pstress can be run stand-alone against a running server OR run with the driver shell script and a configuration file. In the later case, the user does not need to start the server manually. The driver shell script starts the server and executes pstress binaries with the set of options passed from the configuration file. After a certain time interval, it stops the server, saves the data directory and restarts the server by varying some server variables and then continues the load. This set of actions is called a step.
  • During each step, the server is bombarded with combinations of SQLs initiated by multiple threads in different SQL connections.
  • After each step, crash recovery is performed using the data directory from the previous step.
  • pstress can generate different varieties of load based on the options provided by the user. For example, the tool can generate a single-threaded test having only inserts in one table or it can generate complex transactions in multiple threads.
  • Kill or shutdown the running server or a node and let it recover and check
  • In case any issue is identified, pstress creates a trial directory having all relevant information like stack traces, error logs and thread-wise SQL log files for you to analyze and reproduce the problem.
  • Please note that the pstress accepts the same CLI options as pquery-2.0 does, for backward compatibility.

To Do:

  • At the end of all the steps, it tags each bug’s directory with known and unknown issues and creates a single report to be analyzed by the user.

How to build pstress ?

  1. Install cmake >= 2.6 and C++ compiler >= 4.7 (gcc-c++ for RedHat-based, g++ for Debian-based), the development files for your MySQL version/fork, and potentially OpenSSL and AIO development files and/or other deps if needed.
  2. Change dir to pstress
  3. Run cmake with the required options, which are:
  • PERCONASERVER - OFF by default, build pstress with Percona Server
  • MYSQL - OFF by default, build pstress with Oracle MySQL support
  • PERCONACLUSTER - OFF by default, build pstress with Percona XtraDB Cluster
  1. If you have MySQL | Percona Server | Percona XtraDB Cluster installed to some custom location you may consider setting the additional flags to cmake: MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR and MYSQL_LIBRARY. OR, you can set BASEDIR variable if you have binary tarball extracted to some custom place for fully automatic library detection (recommended).
  2. The resulting binary will automatically receive an appropriate flavor suffix:
  • pstress-ms for MySQL
  • pstress-ps for Percona Server
  • pstress-pxc for Percona XtraDB Cluster

Can you give an easy build example using an extracted Percona Server tarball?

$ cd pstress
$ git clean -fd; rm CMakeCache.txt;
$ cmake . -DPERCONASERVER=ON -DBASEDIR=$HOME/mysql-8.0/bld/install
$ sudo make install # If you want pstress to be installed on the system, otherwise the binary can be found in ./src
$ ... build your other MySQL flavors/forks here in the same way, modifying the basedir and the servertype (both -D options) ...

What options does pstress accept?

First, take a quick look at pstress --help, pstress --config-help, pstress --cli-help, pstress --help --verbose to see available modes and options.

Command line options example:

Option Function Example Default
--seed Initial seed used for the test --seed=1001 Random value
--tbs-count random number of different general tablespaces --tbs-count=3 default#: 1
--undo-tbs-count Number of default undo tablespaces --undo-tbs-count=3 default#: 3
--undo-tbs-sql Assign probability of running create/alter/drop undo tablespace --undo-tbs-sql=50 default#: 1
--engine Engine used --engine=InnoDB default: INNODB
--jlddl load DDL and exit --jlddl default: 0
--no-ddl do not use ddl in workload --no-ddl default: 0
--only-cl-ddl only run command line ddl. other ddl will be disabled --only-cl-ddl default: 0
--only-cl-sql only run command line sql. other sql will be disable --only-cl-sql default: 0
--no-encryption Disable All type of encryption --no-encryption default: 0
--encryption-type all ==> keyring/Y/N --encryption-type=keyring default: Y/N
--no-column-compression Disable column compression. It is percona style compression default: 0
--no-table-compression Disable table compression default: 0
--no-tbs disable all type of tablespace including the general tablespace default: 0
--no-blob Disable blob columns default: 0
--no-virtual Disable virtual columns default: 0
--tables Number of initial tables --tables=10 default#: 10
--indexes maximum indexes in a table,default depends on page-size as well --indexes=2 default#: 7
--alter-algorith algorithm used in alter table. INPLACE/COPY/DEFAULT/ALL --alter-algorith=INPLACE default: all
--alter-lock lock mechanism used in alter table. --alter-lock=NONE default: all
--columns maximum columns in a table, default depends on page-size, branch. for 8.0 it is 7 for 5.7 it 10 --columns=10 default#: 10
--index-columns maximum columns in an index of a table, default depends on page-size as well --index-columns=5 default#: 10
--no-auto-inc Disable auto inc columns in table, including pkey default: 0
--no-desc-index Disable index with desc on tables default: 0
--no-temp-tables do not work on temporary tables default: 0
--only-temp-tables Work only on temporary tables default: 0
--ratio-normal-temp ratio of normal to temporary tables. for e.g. if ratio to normal table to temporary is 10 . --tables 40. them only 4 temporary table will be created per session --ratio-normal-temp=4 default#: 10
--records Number of initial records in table --records=100 default#: 1000
--seconds Number of seconds to execute workload --seconds=100 default#: 1000
--alter-table-encrypt Alter table set Encryption --alter-table-encrypt=50 default#: 10
--alter-table-encrypt-inplace Alter table set Encryption inplace. Only available for ps --alter-table-encrypt-inplace default#: 10
--alter-table-compress Alter table compression --alter-table-compress=50 default#: 10
--modify-column Alter table column modify default#: 10
--primary-key-probability Probability of adding primary key in a table --primary-key-probability=40 default#: 50
--row-format create table row format. it is the row format of table. a table can have compressed, dynamic, redundant row format. --row-format=compressed default: all
--sof server options file, MySQL server options file, picks some of the mysqld options, and try to set them during the load , using set global and set session --sof=innodb_temp_tablespace_encrypt=on=off default:
--set-variable set mysqld variable during the load.(session global) --set-variable=autocommit=OFF
--rotate-master-key Alter instance rotate innodb master key --rotate-master-key=50 default#: 1
--rotate-redo-log-key Rotate redo log key --rotate-redo-log-key=50 default#: 1
--alt-tbs-enc Alter tablespace set Encryption --alt-tbs-enc=50 default#: 1
--alt-tbs-rename Alter tablespace rename --alt-tbs-rename=50 default#: 1
--alt-db-enc Alter Database Encryption mode to Y/N default#: 1
--no-select do not execute any type select on tables default: 0
--no-insert do not execute insert into tables --alt-db-enc=30 default: 0
--no-update do not execute any type of update on tables default: 0
--no-delete do not execute any type of delete on tables default: 0
--select-all-row select all data probability --select-all-row=10 default#: 8
--select-single-row Select table using single row --select-single-row=20 default#: 800
--insert-row insert random row --insert-row=500 default#: 600
--update-with-cond Update row using where clause --update-with-cond=500 default#: 200
--delete-all-row delete all rows of a table --delete-all-row=5 default#: 1
--delete-with-cond delete row with where condition --delete-with-cond=300 default#: 200
--drop-column alter table drop some random column --drop-column=10 default#: 1
--add-column alter table add some random column --add-column=10 default#: 1
--rename-column alter table rename column --rename-column=10 default#: 1
--optimize optimize table --optimize=10 default#: 3
--analyze analyze table --analyze=10 default#: 1
--truncate truncate table --truncate=5 default#: 1
--recreate-table drop and recreate table --recreate-table=5 default#: 1
--log-all-queries Log all queries (succeeded and failed) default: 1
--log-query-duration Log query duration in milliseconds default: 0
--log-failed-queries Log all failed queries default: 0
--log-query-statistics extended output of query result default: 0
--log-query-numbers write query # to logs default: 0
--log-client-output Log query output to separate file default: 0
--password The MySQL user's password default:
--log-succeeded-queries Log succeeded queries default: 0
--test-connection Test connection to server and exit default: 0
--address IP address to connect to default:
--config-file Config file to use for test default:
--database The database to connect to default: test
--help user asked for help default: 1
--infile The SQL input file default: pquery.sql
--pquery run pstress as pquery 2.0. sqls will be executed from --infine in some order based on shuffle. basically it will run in pquery mode you can also use -k default: 0
--logdir Log directory default: /tmp
--no-shuffle execute SQL sequentially/ randomly default: 0
--port: Port to use default#: 3306
--queries-per-thread The number of queries per thread default#: 1
--socket Socket file to use default: /tmp/socket.sock
--threads The number of threads to use default#: 1
--user The MySQL userID to be used default: root
--verbose verbose default: 1
--mso mysqld server options variables which are set during the load, see --set-variable. n:option=v1=v2 where n is probability of picking option, v1 and v2 different value that are supported. --mso=innodb_temp_tablespace_encrypt=on=off default:
--trx-prb-k probability(out of 1000) of combining sql as single trx default#: 10
--trx-size average size of each trx default#: 100
--commit-rollback-ratio ratio of commit to rollback. e.g. if 5, then 5 transactions will be committed and 1 will be rollback. if 0 then all transactions will be rollback default#: 5
--savepoint-prb-k probability of using savepoint in a transaction.Also 25% such transaction will be rollback to some savepoint default#: 50
--step current step in pstress script default#: 1
--metadata-path path of metadata file default:
--special-sql special sql default#: 10
--sql-file file to be used for special sql T1_INT_1, T1_INT_2 will be replaced with int columns of some table in database T1_VARCHAR_1, T1_VARCHAR_2 will be replaced with varchar columns of some table in database default: grammer.sql
--verbose verbose default: 1

How to do a sample pstress run

pstress must be run from the directory where the executable binaries are located. Commonly, the binaries are located inside the src directory. cd pstress/src

./pstress-ps --tables 30 --logdir=$PWD/log --records 200 --threads 10 --seconds 100 --socket $SOCKET -k --insert-row 100 ---update-with-cond 50 --no-delete